Who wants to tell me the details of post op?

Ericka K.
on 6/29/13 12:55 pm

Im having surgery 7/8 and I would really like someone who has recently been through it to tell me all the details that the surgeon and my weight loss team either cant or wont tell me.  For example they have told me the pain feels like being kicked in the stomach by a horse.  True?  How long did you really hurt for?  How long did you need pain meds for when you went home?  How were your bowels?  Im terrified of pooping my pants!  Any other gross details you would like to share would be appreciated.  I am just trying to prepare myself. Thanks!

on 6/29/13 1:16 pm - Grand Rapids, MI

Good Luck Bella. I am scheduled for my DS July 29th so I can't wait to read people's replies to your questions so I can take it all in as well.

DS completed on 7/29/13

HW 379 SW 354  CW 190

Down 189 pounds

on 6/29/13 1:31 pm - CA
Everybody is different. For me I had surgery on June 19th and also had a hernia fixed. In the hospital my pain meds was Tylenol. I did not need to use any pain meds at home. The walking really helped. I was lucky and did not have any gas pains like most people. The most difficult thing for me was to get the isopure protein in. When I got home in did sleep my couch for three days. The only pain I did feel was the right side where the surgeon took the stomach out. In had my first BM two days after i got home and I was able to make it to the restroom. Again the walking really helps. Good luck and I hope this helped.
on 6/29/13 1:36 pm - CA
Forgot to mention the pain on the right side is like a burning sensation but when I place a pillow over it it does feel better. Just take it one day at a time. You can do this..keep us posted on how you are doing
Melissa Nicely
on 6/29/13 1:39 pm - Chesapeake, OH
RNY on 05/06/13

Congrats on your upcoming surgery. The pain can seem bad if you haven't had any other Lap surgeries before not, but if you have then it's about the same as getting a gall bladder or an appendix taken out. Walk as much as you can as soon as you can, that will help a great deal. I had my surgery on a Monday, went home on a Wed and I was off pain meds by Friday. I had to do a bowl prep before my surgery so it was 4 or 5 days after surgery before I had a BM. So far I have been able to make it to the bathroom in time, some constipation issues but nothing else. The grossest thing that I had to deal with after surgery was the drain they put in. It would get clogged all the time and the tube would have to be stripped 3 or 4 times a day and the bulb would have to be emptied out 2 or more times a day.


Ericka K.
on 6/29/13 9:20 pm
Thanks All. My surgeon said he is going to pull the drain before I go home. I'm not afraid to deal with it if it has to stay in for some reason (Im a RN) but I am afraid of my 3 year old pulling it. I haven't had any other laparoscopic surgery not Im not familiar with the burning pain you're referring to. Glad to hear its possible to just be on Tylenol soon after surgery for pain control. I hope I'm that lucky too.
on 6/29/13 3:06 pm - PA

I had my surgery on 06/18/13. I was released the following day, with no drainage tube. I had 2 doses of pain medication while in the hospital, and my last dose of Tylenol that Friday morning. The pain was bearable and mostly on my right side, it felt like I had been used as a punching bag...but not to bad. I am 12 days out and the pain is mostly gone unless I overdo it with lifting or something like that. I am every other day in the BM department, which my doctor says is just fine.

Don't be surprised if you come home weighing more than you went in, that is from the swelling and will go away in a few days. I have lost 31 pounds so far, and I feel great. Just follow your diets that your doctor states and walk walk walk!!

Good Luck in your Journey!




on 6/29/13 8:33 pm

Bella, I had bypass on 4/29/13, I started the liquid fast 3 days before, the morning of scheduled surgery, went to hospital early that morning, had the surgery but dr. also had to remove alot of scar tissue from previous surgeries which afterward caused a little more pain and longer healing time than would have been required if I'd just had the surgery by itself.  After surgery I had a drain tube a pain pump and a catheter, the drain tube stayed in until the day of release, the pain pump was removed after the second day and I cant remember  the exact time the cath came out, I think it was the next day.   I remember doing what dr. called a swallow test shortly after surgery to check for possible leaks & there were none. I rested most of that day but remember them getting me up to start walking, the next day i began with ice chips and worked my way up to having very small amounts of liquid (water) before leaving i was able to eat small amount (medicine cup i think 2 oz.) of grits and i think it was yogurt.  even after the pain pump was removed i do not remember alot of pain but I was very sore and movement was slow, but got better the more I walked.  I went home on the morning of the 4th day.  I already had all my med's filled so I was able to go straight home, where I did alot of resting and began walking....the walking increased slowly as I felt better and as in the hospital I sipped water all day except for the 30 before/during and after surgery rule.  my meds were liquid lortab if needed for pain, liquid pepcid and I take 2 chewable vitamins a day, biotin and liquid b-12. I am lucky, did not require alot of meds afterward.  my first three weeks were the hardest, the first week was a learning curve for me and I dealt with headaches due to coming off caffien....i was a heavy diet coke drinker & the headaches were due to no caffien...I went completely off caffine and have not had any since the day of surgery (best thing I ever did) If you drink alot of soda....stop before surgery so you don't have to deal with what I did.  The only problem I have is very low energy but even that is getting better now.  I've only had one bad dumping spell and I never...ever want to have one again.  I follow the rules exactly as they explained to me and those become habit after time.  I slowly added foods back as told and I do the protein shakes daily.  To date I have lost 35.5 lbs, I walk but mostly swim in an above ground pool because I have back issues the swimming is easier on my joints.  I only weigh myself once a week...I don't care to drive myself nuts by weighing every day...once a week is plenty for me and seeing the progress is a great motivator!  I wish you luck on your surgery, if you follow the rules they give you, you will do just fine.  look me up on facebook and i will be happy to add you to my friends list...that way if you have questions latter on about anything that I can answer, help with or just give support...I'll be happy to be there for you.

on 6/29/13 9:11 pm - OH

I've never been kicked in the stomach by a horse, so I don't know if that's an accurate comparison or not.  It hurt but it was bearable.  It probably took two weeks to stop hurting completely but I only needed pain meds for a few days after coming home from the hospital.

I had pretty bad diarrhea for a couple days at home, then my bowels were fine.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 6/29/13 9:21 pm

Unlike Poet Kelly, I HAVE been kicked in the stomach by a horse, and surgery's nothing like that. (*grin*) My DS was done open, but I've had a lap hernia repair. They were equally painful, but in a different way. I found holding a pillow against my stomach when sneezing, coughing, etc. helpful. Getting out of the bed the first time was the hardest---each time thereafter it got easier.

While I was in the hospital I was on some GOOD drugs, and only hurt when getting into or out of bed. I went home with...well, it's been so long I've forgotten what drug, but it was something typically OTC. It didn't do a THING for my arthritis, and my doc let me switch to one Aleve per day for the first month. (Keep in mind that I had the DS NOT an RNY!)

As for bowels---the first couple of weeks you'll be taking in nothing but liquids, so---liquids in, liquids out. Once you start eating solid food and taking your calcium and iron things generally firm up quite nicely.

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