Looking for info on Sugar Detox - Gaining after surgery

on 8/22/13 1:47 pm - Braintree, MA

I know I need to do a sugar detox.  I have been gaining weight back and eat a large amount of sugar daily and have been for a long time now. (surgery was 7/2007)

There is so much info out there I'm not sure where to go and what to do.  I realize to rid myself of sugar, including artificial.

Has anyone done this and have information they can share.  I would really appreciate it!



on 8/22/13 2:28 pm
I think it's pretty much a cold turkey thing, but there is a blog I read called 300 Pounds Down. She has a file devoted to sugar detox and info on hidden sugars in things. Good luck to you!!
on 8/22/13 3:21 pm - VA

I had RNY 2/28/12 & was off sugar for over a year. It's true: you just stop eating sugar. Read labels, don't eat cookies, candy, soda, sugary yogurt (you really have to check those labels), etc. There will be some sugar in some of what you eat, especially if you eat at restaurants or get carry-out a lot. But if you stop eating sugary things, you will feel a difference in a matter of a few days.

I highly recommend Overeaters Anonymous. They have many recovering sugar addicts (me included). It's free, & they have online & phone meetings. But I love going to the meetings in person. OA has saved my life.


I wish you the best! Just DO IT!

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com



H.A.L.A B.
on 8/22/13 9:15 pm
Watch for hidden sugars - fruit some veggies and milk and other dairy - sugar is sugar. Also some carbs - like in potato, grains - turn into sugars very fast...

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/23/13 1:03 am

It's almost impossible to completely rid your diet of sugar. You'd have to cut out all dairy, fruits, and many veggies. (You'd probably be amazed to learn how much sugar is in CARROTS!)

My only advice is---read labels, and educate yourself about natural foods and their sugar content. I don't think it's necessary to cut out all natural sugars, just make wise choices.

on 8/23/13 4:28 am

Go cold turkey.  Start eating lean proteins and veggies with limited fruit.  No bread, pasta, rice, white potato or sweets.

Initially you may experience headaches from decarbing but after the first 48 hours or so you'll feel much better and the hunger you may feel from the carbs should minimize tremendously.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 8/23/13 5:36 am - Braintree, MA
I'm doing it.... Keeping track on myfit. I've eaten scrambled eggs with low sodium bacon and water. So hard.
Kathleen W.
on 8/23/13 8:01 am - Lancaster, PA

Another possibility would be to do a very low carb program like South Beach or phase 2 of the Atkins. This is cutes down on the simple carb like sugar, candy, and crap like that.  It concentrates on the complex carbs like legumes (kidney, garbonzo, lentils, etc) sweet potatoes, fruits and vegies.  All things that have nutrional value that your body needs.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126


Valerie G.
on 8/25/13 2:21 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

When I feel things going out of control, I start protein-loading as much as I can.  The cravings subside after a couple days.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 9/4/13 7:10 am
I did it in stages.. i eliminated all fake sugars first, and after a week, all real sugars. With soda i did no caf, then sugar free then perrier only, then watsr. I also upped my B vitamins, specifically B 1 and B6 to help with cravings. There is a lot of research online about how sugar addiction depletes vitamin metabolism, and it can help to supplement. Check with your doc or NUT for your case...i am just sharing my experience. I lost a lot of weight pre op, and post op the only stuff i have with sugar (other then fruit and veggies) is sugar free popsicles, and only then when i had an ulcer and had to stay hydrated and couldnt make my own. It can be done and i felt so much better. Another online food 12 step is called therecoverygroup.org


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