Outed Myself

on 10/16/13 9:12 am

On FB. The truth is all my family and close friends support me. I don't work outside the home, soooo if anyone is negative, they can and will be deleted from my life. I want full support and great support and know the more I share, the more I'll get. I've always been open though. :D

hw: 311  cw:304  sw:???  gw:150

on 10/16/13 10:07 am - CA

I am going to out myself on the morning of my surgery.  That way when I get out, I will know who needs to go.  I figured new life, new world.

Member Services
on 10/16/13 1:31 pm - Irvine, CA

Good luck,  you are very strong.  We will be waiting on the loser's bench for you.


on 10/17/13 11:40 pm
RNY on 10/15/13
Just had surgery Tuesday, and can't bring myself to out to the public. I don't want to be affected by their opinions whether good or bad. All of my family knows which is enough for me. As people figure out some things happening I'm not sure I'll even say anything then. It's not their business.

I'm not a terribly private person but this one particular thing seems extremely private to me. I guess some sense of embarrassment but I'm getting over that.

JLS in Central Jersey

Empty Nester - working toward a healthier ME!

on 10/19/13 6:32 am
RNY on 10/28/13
I live in a small town and work at a beauty shop 😀. Tell one you might as well tell all. Since I have to move and reroute 80-100 clients I chose to be honest. Most have know me for 20+ year and know I'm way overweight! I'm only mildly embarrassed and really only care about what my family thinks. They are all behind me 100% and that's what matters. My youngest son did want to know if I was going to stop cooking lol. The temptation to say YES was great.
on 10/19/13 1:47 pm

My initial plan was to tell no one, and then when they asked, say I went on a Diet Coke fast. Hahaha.

So far, NOT one ounce of negativity. But when I outed myself, I explained I had done the research, was confident in my decision, and if you couldn't be supportive at least be QUIET.  I have a big mouth, all that know me know this, so I think that helped!

hw: 311  cw:304  sw:???  gw:150

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