Worried about future hair loss

on 2/6/14 1:56 am

Hii! Thanks for the feedback, I am having the Sleeve done. 

Valerie G.
on 2/5/14 11:14 pm - Northwest Mountains, GA

It starts 3-4 months after surgery, then lasts 2-3 months no matter what vitamins you take or expensive shampoos you use.  How bad it is depends on the person.  My biggest recommendation is a makeover to cut some layers into those gorgeous locks of yours.  When your new growth comes in, it will resemble a chia pet against the long sleek hair.  Layers and texture will help blend it in as it emerges.  I like mine so much that I still have the layers.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

MyLady Heidi
on 2/6/14 1:15 pm

I cutr my long thick hair short before surgery because I knew mine would fall out, does the same for me with every surgery for six months.  It sucks.  Wigs were my friend until I finished plastics.  No one noticed but me, but I hated it.

on 2/7/14 10:10 am

My Surgeon said that 90 percent of patients have hair loss. No matter how many vitamins you take...it will happen.

I believe it took three months for me to strat seeing shedding. My hair is very thick but noticed the hair in my comb. I have read where some do not have hair loss,some comes out in clumps,some loose alot and etc. My hair loss was minor. I did take biotin to try to help the problem however, I knew this was the process. I'm the type of gal that can pretty much pull off alot of different looks so wearing wigs if I had to would'nt be an isssue.

Worrying can also cause stress and that too can contribute. Again, this is all part of the process.

       I know what i'm doing,I have it all planned-plans to give you the future you hope for.Jeremiah 29:11(The Message)
With God's Will, I was approved!


on 2/11/14 1:34 am - Frederick, MD
VSG on 08/02/11 with

I am 2 1/2 years post Sleeve and started losing hair about 4 months out. It wasn't bad until about October '12 when I did some major color changes and the chemicals fried my already thin and brittle hair. I had to cut it to a right below the chin bob and it looked awesome! I've always had long, thick, wavy hair and cried when it was just this stringy mess. My sister in law is my hair stylist and rescued me and it was kind of a blessing cause I wouldn't have had the guts to go that short before. 

Good luck!

on 2/11/14 2:31 am

After reading all about hair loss on this site I was very determined that I would not loose my hair. I thought I had beautiful hair and that it defined me. So, I was obsessed with my protein intake and took all kinds of vitamins religeously. Since it aparently made no difference I honestly don't believe that lack of protein is the reason for hair loss. I know plenty of vegetarians who are not the least bit concern with eating protein and non of them have experienced hair loss. It makes sense, in my mind anyway, that it is more to do with the drastic weight loss and/or low calorie diet or perhaps as someone mention, the stress. I'm 3 years post-op and my hair is growing back but it is still much thinner than it was before the surgery. But...so am I and that is so much more meaningful than the hair loss. I am sooo happy, I have my life back!

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