Pre op diet HELP

on 5/16/14 2:59 am

I am on a 10 all liquid clear diet. I'm sick and shaky and mostly nauseous. I had migraines but those passed. I get the whole concept of the pre op diet. Last night I tripped up and are a plain asparagus. I'm dying for a piece of celery right now. Who would have thought?? Lol. Have any if you tripped up before and how did you handle it? I want one last meal before surgery. My god. This is killer. 

on 5/16/14 3:25 am
VSG on 03/07/14

Are you on 10 days of only clear liquids? that is brutal.

Mine was 10 days of protein drinks and clear liquids.  I did cheat a few times and had a 1/2c of cottage cheese once and pickles another day.  If you falter - get right back on track.

If you have food - you should tell your doc as this may complicate your procedure.  DO NOT CHEAT the last few days before your operation - they can cancel it if they feel it is too risky to operate.




     ticker5'-8",HW 347,SW329,M1-25 M2-17 M3-11 M4-13 M5-14 pregnant-->


on 5/16/14 3:40 am

I will not eat anything before surgery which is Wednesday. It is a brutal diet. Celery should be acceptable. Funny thing is that every surgeon is different. My girlfriend had a ten day protein shake diet preop but could eat veggies for dinner. No dressing. 

on 5/16/14 6:57 am

Not all surgeons require a pre-op diet, and not all that do require a pre-op diet require it to be liquid. I only had to do liquids the day before surgery.

What does matter is nutrition. You need to be getting in as much protein as you can, because your body can store it and will need it for healing afterwards. You also need to eat as few carbs as possible. This will allow you to exhaust the glycogen stored in your liver. Getting that glycogen gone will make your liver less slippery and easier for the surgeon to manipulate.

Have some celery. (*grin*)

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