DS Malabsorption %'s

on 2/7/10 10:49 pm
Hey all :)
Seeing my new primary doctor today at 2 - excited to get going on this finally.
In talking about my appointment, I'm trying to explain the malabsorptive component of the DS.  I searched OH and google to no avail - can someone remind me of the percentages for things such as sugars, fats, proteins etc.?

Thanks in advance!

(deactivated member)
on 2/7/10 11:02 pm
I think I recently read them on www.dsfacts.com

Kerry J.
on 2/7/10 11:04 pm - Santa Clara, UT

The best guess is:

Sugar:                  Malabsorption 0%, we absorb 100% of the sugar we eat.
Simple Carbs:    Malabsorption 0%, we absorb 100% of the simple carbs we eat.
Complex Carbs: Malabsorbtion 40% we absorb 60% of the complex carbs we eat:
Proteins:              Malabsorbtion 50% we absorb 50% of the protein we eat.
Fats:                     Malabsorption 80% we absorb 20% of the fats we eat. 

You need to understand that this is not an exact science and just the best guess; everyone is going to have a little different levels of absorption. For example, I seem to absorb proteins pretty well, but hardly any fat. I know this from keeping track of my labs; the markers associated with proteins are easily in the normal ranges while my markers that are associated with fats are way low, even though I eat a lot of fats and supplement fat soluble vitamins to extreme levels.

Hope this helps;

on 2/7/10 11:11 pm
Thank you so much!
I know it's not exact, but it was one off "THOSE" conversations.  A dear friend who never questioned my WLS decision, just said "do what you think is best"...  but he used to be a personal trainer and asked me this morning if I ever watch The Biggest Loser - reminding me it's all about calorie intake and burn.

He watches his diet QUITE closely (but is in good shape) so I may have annoyed him just a bonnie wee bit when I said, "No it's not about calories post op..."

So thank you, this was to kinda make him go @_@ - ya know? :)

Kerry J.
on 2/7/10 11:23 pm - Santa Clara, UT
Yea, I know what you mean, it took me about 6 months to get it to sink in with the personal trainers I use, but they finally get it. They still roll their eyes when I talk about having a Double Baconator for lunch, but they understand that I do know what I'm doing.

Kerry J.
on 2/7/10 11:37 pm - Santa Clara, UT
I just had another thought...scary huh.

If you really want to blow him away, show him this break down for a Wendy's Double Baconator minus the bottom bun:

Normal absorption:                                                      DS Absorption

Fat - 59 grams @ 9 calories per gram =  531  X 20% = 106.2 calories absorbed
Carbs - 26 grams@ 4 calories per gram = 104 X 100% = 104 calories absorbed
Protein - 60 grams@ 4 calories per gram = 240 X 50% = 120 calories absorbed
                                                  Total Calories - 875      DS Absorbed Calories 330.2

And this is assuming that all the carbs are simple and that we absorb 100% of them.

If that doesn't blow him away, nothing will.

on 2/7/10 11:46 pm
VSG on 07/05/12
wow Kerry! Awesome breakdown!! I knew that DS's could eat differently but that is crazy!!
I can see it's going to take a long time for my DH to understand the eating difference once I have the DS done!! oh boy!

on 2/8/10 12:04 am
Holy Smokes!
That's absolutely PERFECT, not only for my friend but for my sorta-ex (who's coming back around) who just lost 50# (in over a year) by being ever so careful...  I can't wait to see either of their reactions!

Thank you!

on 2/8/10 2:09 am - Jonesboro, AR
Thanks Kerry! I've been trying to 'splain to the boy how it's not about counting calories. I think this will help him get it.

on 2/8/10 8:30 am - Topeka, KS
You say "minus the bottom bun," but I don't see anywhere in your math where that is subtracted.  How would you know what to subtract there?  I don't imaging it is in the nutrition facts for Wendy's available online.  I have had this question for numerous posts like this where you present the DS math for a given item.
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