DS Testimonial Help?

Amber L.
on 5/10/11 7:58 pm - Sweden
I am so sorry to keep making new posts, but you guys are my lifeline!

I spoke with the surgical coordinator and for my program this morning and she said that the type of surgery I will receive will be determined at the appointment 6-8 weeks before my surgery, which should be coming up in the early fall.  She also said that it is rare that they give a DS and it's usually only for patients who weigh over 200 kilos. (I am not.) She did say that they would discuss it with me at the appointment, but it didn't sound promising.  Her excuse is that they have "found that patients have constant diarrhea for the rest of their lives."  This just sounds to me like they are not giving them decent diet or vitamin recommendations or working on solutions to the issues. (Of course, I would take diarrhea over dumping or RH or possible seizure disorders.)  This I knew.  They don't give good advice.  It's up to me to make this work.   So... I want to go in with an arsenal of information.  I am printing everything I can find in the way of supportive studies, Vitalady's vitamin and lab protocols, helpful resources from US surgeons websites, etc.  I don't think they understand that I am a hands on person and am reading and absorbing everything I can get my hands on.   I also want to get some testimonials from real people.  Would anyone take a moment to share your story, including, but not limited to, pre-surgical weight, follow up, complications, post-op life and keeping yourself healthy?  It doesn't have to be long.  Maybe include why YOU chose the DS over the RNY?   Revision stories would be great, too!   If you would prefer to send a private message, please do so.  If you have advice or can think of another resource I should look into, I would greatly appreciate that, too.     Thanks so much in advance!   Amber 
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

(deactivated member)
on 5/10/11 10:27 pm - Lancaster, OH

My intent is NOT to discourage anyone else from posting the information you have requested on this thread, but, many members have given this information, countless times, on previous threads.  Every "Why did you choose DS over RNY" thread has all this information. Over and over.
I am sorry about all the hoops you are being made to jump through in order for the surgery to be paid for, but the info is here.

Amber L.
on 5/10/11 10:31 pm - Sweden
You are very correct and I have been looking through them. I just wondered if anyone else wanted to chime in. I also wanted people to know I wanted to take their stories to my surgeon.
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

Elizabeth N.
on 5/10/11 10:33 pm - Burlington County, NJ
You're welcome to use information from my profile and posting history. I'd like to suggest to other readers who don't want to repeat themselves ad nauseum but would like to help that they also give Amber permission to use information from their profiles or posting history.

Amber, you're asking, as Caprice pointed out, for a significant time investment for folks to repeat stuff they've already said a LOT of times. Try using the search  function, and when you see a story you want to use, PM the author for permission.
Amber L.
on 5/10/11 10:34 pm - Sweden
Absolutely. Will do.
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

on 5/11/11 12:10 am
Amber, if my story would be helpful to you, I am happy to have you use it for this purpose. Feel free to mine my profile and latest posts to grab what you need.

I was 344 pounds on the day of my DS. Today I clock in at about 150ish, depending on the time of the month. I have fluffy, voluminous poops in the morning (NO diarrhea!) and do not fart more than any normal person. I eat what I want, with an eye on protein first. My labs are good, so far, and I am about 80% compliant on my vites (not something I am proud of, but I am a work in progress).

Here is a link to my profile:


On the flip side, let me just say that your doctor may be a ****ty DS doctor and constant diarrhea could be HIS patients results. You may want to talk to him about being more conservative on the intestines or something. Ask to talk with some of his DS patients (if he has any).


I had the kick-butt duodenal switch (DS)!

HW: 344 lbs      CW: 150 lbs

Type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea GONE!

Amber L.
on 5/11/11 12:18 am, edited 5/11/11 12:21 am - Sweden
Thank you so much. May I add that you look FANTASTIC?!

I don't have a SURGEON yet. It's a group of doctors because it's a program through the government health system. They have done quite a few DS prcedures, but they usually only do them on people who weigh over 440 pounds. I am going to request the head of bariatric surgery and talk to him about his stats.
Pretty pretty please, don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f*ckin' perfect.

Janine P.
on 5/11/11 1:18 am - Long Island, NY
See... the diarrhea thing is such bull****  I'm 1 week out and yes, I have diarrhea at the moment, but I've had a solid bowel movement too within this past week. 

The majority of the people on this board complain about constipation, not diarrhea.  I hate it when surgeons don't do their own research.


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 5/11/11 8:05 am
The diarrhea thing is not bull****  And come on,  you're only ONE WEEK OUT. 

I'm 11 years post op.  I have loose stools several times a day,  every single day.  

Look people - I love my DS.  But it is NOT A ******G PICNIC.  There are things about it that SERIOUSLY SUCK.

(deactivated member)
on 5/11/11 8:24 am
Well, I will be 6 years out in June and have to treat for constipation daily. There are quite a number of people on this board with the same problem.

I am not trying to be disagreeable here, but other than tweaking my supplements for my labs my experience has been a picnic.  I have felt better in the last 5.5 years than I have for the 30 prior to surgery.

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