Looking for Penpal surgery Oct 27!

Kanda S.
on 10/19/11 4:12 am - Westminster, CO
Hi there…I am having surgery on Oct 27 and I am NERVOUS and excited at the same time. I am looking for someone to be pen pals with because I don’t know about you I love to read others stories and struggles because it makes me feel not alone and that we all are the same. Please reach out to me if you’re interested!
Robin Pautz
on 10/26/11 10:42 am - Lakeville, MN
Hello, I have not been on here in a long time but saw your pen pal request and had to respond. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! I had the RNY 6/1/10 and down 127lbs. The one thing you need to do is take a pic of yourself before you leave for the hospital in an outfit that shows it all and every month take a pic in that same outfit in the same spot...you will be happy I told you this because in 6 months and even in a year when you have your brag book,you will be able to show everyone in the world how much you have changed. This was the best thing I did. Get some good sleep and smile.........You are about to have a new life!!!!
Robin :)
on 10/28/11 8:44 am
VSG on 04/03/12
i be your penpal
Kanda S.
on 12/7/11 9:24 am - Westminster, CO
Great! How are you? How are things?
on 12/7/11 10:05 am
VSG on 04/03/12
i am doing fine thanks for asking


on 11/2/11 1:31 am - Lake Placid, NY
VSG on 01/17/12
Congratulations!!  How did the surgery go, and more importantly, how are you feeling?  I am scheduled for early december and wondering what i should expect first hand in the first weeks
Kanda S.
on 12/7/11 9:27 am - Westminster, CO
Hi there sorry I missed this but I wanted to tell you that everything went well. I have lost 40 pds total and am doing great Its still hard cause sometimes I just want to eat whever I can but hanging in. Did you have your surgery"?
on 11/24/11 11:42 am - Katy, TX
Just had my surgery 10/18/11 and it is going great.  Usually I can ask a question on this site and get an answer and I am the kind of person that needs to know all about whatever it is I am doing.  I would be glad to be your pen pal.  Yes I was nervous beforehand and I am glad that this site reaffirms and helps me not feel so alone.  I love hearing from y'all and meeting new friends that are going through the same thing so feel free to write even if you just need to vent!
Kanda S.
on 12/7/11 9:28 am - Westminster, CO
Hi there I am glad to meet ya! and to hear that you are doing really well. I am doing well it can be a bit hard sometimes cause I just want all the bad foods. Sorry so short but I wanted to say Hi! Hope your well
on 12/7/11 12:26 pm - Katy, TX
Sometimes I feel like I'm gonna go crazy if I don't have a soda.  I get through that day feeling like I accomplished something by not getting one and wake up the next day and the cycle continues.  I hope the craving eventually goes away because this is really annoying!
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