I need to whittle the middle...

(deactivated member)
on 5/11/11 10:48 am
What are your suggestions for getting the bulge of the belly diminished or demolished??

From rib cage down to pelvis is just a jelly belly - 2 c-sections, gall baldder removal, hysterectomy, removal of ovarian cysts, and then the RNY have me looking 6 months pregnant after losing so much weight.

I need help!

Thank you!!
on 5/11/11 10:25 pm - Lebanon, OH
It's not possible to spot reduce. Your body will decide what order it will lose fat from.
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
crystal M.
on 5/11/11 11:46 pm - Joliet, IL
What Nate says is true....here's why.  You can't turn fat into muscle.  All of these infomercials are so misleading.  You can lose fat but you can't turn it into something else.   

You will have to lose the weight (and where you lose it is genetics) and as you are losing you can workout your core (it's a good idea to workout all of your muscles).  So when the fat is gone it will reveal any muscle you have been working on. 

Under all my lose skin and flab is lots of lean muscle.  Some day everyone will be able to see it!!! 
Kim S.
on 5/12/11 11:21 pm - Helena, AL

I agree--workout the whole body and make sure you do some good core workouts....there are many things you can do to build core muscles.....

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