on 5/26/11 9:38 pm - Dinwiddie, VA
Hello fellow WLS friends. I had gastric bypass in 2003 my lowest weight was 134 size 5's now 2011 i'm 162!!! size 10 and 12! I weighed myself Sunday i was i started walking on my 15 minutes breaks at work which gives me 1 mile. I walk at 10am and 2pm. Then in the evenings my husband walk 30minutes on a trail. I got on the scale this morning and i've GAINED!!! i'm 162!! i'm tryin not to get discouraged..i know it took longer than a week to put it on and it will take longer to take it off but geeesh!! I was expected at least a HALF pound loss! I'm not eating poorly...please i need ENCOURAGEMENT!! i dont want to get back up to 264 pounds!! i dont want to get no where near 200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kim S.
on 5/27/11 12:39 am - Helena, AL
You've come to the right place.  For now, leave the scale alone.  As you've learned on your multi-year journey, this is not just about a number on a scale.  It is about overall good health and fitness. 

I'm assuming you have not been exercising, and are just starting out?  Walking is a good way to begin!  You'll want to slowly progress to higher intensity aerobic workouts and most importantly, add some weight/resistance training.  You must build muscles to improve your body's fat burning potential.  It takes more calories to support muscle, so even if you don't change your eating, you will naturally burn more.

You did this before, and you can do it again.  Go back to the basics--log your food (honestly!), no drinking with meals or for 30 mins after, stay away from white carbs and sugar and protein, protein, protein.....and the MOST IMPORTANT THING TO DO IS EXERCISE.....FOR LIFE.....EVERYDAY.

Remember, you are so worth the extra effort it takes to do this.

on 5/27/11 1:01 am - Dinwiddie, VA
Thank you Kim! What other excercise could i do at home along with walking. I think i'm going to get the Zumba dvd and start with those, are jumping jacks good? I did some of those on Monday night and i tell ya Tuesday morning the back of my calves were SORE..and they STILL sore from doing them. Shoot some excercises out there to me so i can do them...especially for resistance training. I can only do but so much because i have severe scar tissues in my stomach and anything i do to pull on my stomach it hurts VERY BADLY!! Once again Thank you for responding! Bless you!
on 5/27/11 5:48 am - OR
Good for you for getting out there and exercising! It's such an important part of good health.

I think what you really need to do is focus on what you're eating. Go back to the basics. Protein, protein, protein......cut out the carbs. Try to feel that restriction again.

I look forward to seeing posts as you progress in your workouts! Keep on keeping on!
HW 247/SW 232/CW 135/GW 140 Height 5'4"  Age 43 A BIT BELOW GOAL

on 5/27/11 11:21 am - Tama, IA
Get back to the basics-Protein and more protein. Get rid of most of your carbs. Don't drink and eat at the same time and exercise.

I too gained some weight mainly because I was eating way to many carbs. I decided to try the Atkins diet. I have to go two weeks on a very low carb diet then you can add some good carbs. Been on it for 5 days and have lost around 5 pounds so far.

I also exercise quite a bit and love it.

Find something that works for you. You can do it. You are doing the right thing to stop this weight gain before it goes too far.

Again you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  HW 304, SW 291, GW 160, CW 140 H-5'9.5"            


(deactivated member)
on 5/27/11 11:10 pm
I'm glad you are reaching out for support. This is a life long deal to watch out weight. My best advice would be to start a back on track plan to stop the bleeding rather than doing something extreme to try losing 30 pounds quickly. Even if you could just maintain where you're at, you could be happy and healthy.

Of course with proper diet and exercise you can relose, but please do not focus on the scale now. It will just be self sabotage for it will likely take a while before you really start losing. Right now you just need to stop gaining.

I'm not sure what kind of diet you're following. If need be you may want to follow up with a nutritionist. I always find that helpful when off track.

10/28/09 fobi pouch, revised to DS for maintenance
on 5/28/11 12:54 am
Good luck to you! You caught it early and are addressing it. You'll do great!


Temporarily holding on losing more because I'm gaining!  Pregnant with my first baby (a boy!) due June 2013, after two rounds of IVF.  SO GRATEFUL!

on 5/28/11 5:38 am - Dinwiddie, VA
Thank you all for the encouragement and the suggestions to go back to the basics! Thats what i've started doing, i'm cutting back on carbs and added protein shakes. Right now the only excercise i'm doing is walking 4 miles a day. Two at work and two in the evenings after dinner. Remember i said the scale wen up to 162 well this morning i was at 159! So now after a week of walking and discipline i'm seeing a lil bit of results on the scale. However i will step away from the scale for awhile and just weigh in once a week. Thanks again everyone. Prayerfully within the next few weeks my next weigh in will be under 155! I'm not greedy I only want to lose about 15 pounds, after than just maintain it.
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