23 days from today...

on 8/1/05 7:08 am - Bellingham, WA
I will be a big fat loser! Yeah!! I can't believe how fast the time has flown by for me. I guess my busy life helps out in that department! My teenagers run me ragged sometimes! But I wouldn't know what to do with myself if they weren't around. I have a question for post-ops who had their surgery at GHC Eastside. Was your spouse allowed to stay in your room with you on the first night after surgery? My hubby will probably get a room at Silver Cloud for the other nights. We are trying to get things organized now since it's so close. Thanks for any info you can provide. Lori
Carol S.
on 8/1/05 8:21 pm - Tacoma, WA
That is a question I would like to hear the answer to as well. Although I do not expect any of my family to come up with me because of work. I will be going up the evening before so I will need a place to stay. What are the names of the closest hotels up there? I have never been above Seattle, I am not even sure where the clinic and hospital are. Carol waiting...waiting...waiting...
Mari J
on 8/4/05 7:22 am - Kent, WA
Hi Carol, It was good to see you at the Tacoma meeting. The Silver Cloud is where Lori stayed before the orientation. My surgery arrival time was 8:30 and it only took 40 min. to get there from Kent. Your phone appt. with Harriet is coming up soon, I believe, and she will answer a lot of your questions. Write down a list of questions for her so you won't forget to ask...that's what I did. After I talked with her, she sent me a booklet with a LOT of info about the surgery and the GHC program. It also has a map of how to get to the Redmond GHC where you will have the surgery. She also sent me a list of tests to get done, such as blood/urine tests, EKG, abdominal (gallbladder) ultrasound, chest x-ray, a psych. form to be filled out and returned, and a pulmonologist for my asthma and sleep apnea evaluation. Based on your history, you may have to do other tests. Later, Mari
Carol S.
on 8/4/05 8:04 am - Tacoma, WA
Hi Mari! I got a call from Harriet in response to an email I sent her and she decided to turn that call into my phone appointment because of the orientation the day of the scheduled appt. so I had to try to remember my questions since I had not started writing them down yet I still haven't gotten any information from her but she said it would be here soon. Would you give me the address of the place I will be having surgery? I have to plan how to get there and home by train and taxi, my family are all too busy to give me rides to and from so I will take the train to the closest station and taxi over to the hotel the night before and then taxi to the hosp. and then from the hosp. to the station on the way home and taxi home from the Tacoma train station. My husband doesn't see why I am upset. Go figure. I tried to explain why and he still doesn't understand. Anyway, I need to start planning early so I know what is going on. Just a few more days for you now... I will pray for you. Carol 314 and waiting
on 8/4/05 11:36 am - Tacoma, WA
Hi Carol, my friend. If your surgery is on a day that I am off work, I will be more than happy to drive you there. Just keep that in mind. I'll check the boards more frequently, checking for a surgery date for you. Good luck! Love Diana
on 8/5/05 4:02 am - Bellingham, WA
The Silver Cloud is about 3 blocks from the hospital and very easy to find. Here is their website: http://www.silvercloud.com/03home.htm Hope this helps! Lori
on 8/4/05 11:33 am - Tacoma, WA
Surprise, surprise. I swear I never get a chance to read the boards but for some reason decided to today. My soon-to-be-ex-husband stayed with me for both nights. He and my son slept on a mat that they provided. Good luck with your surgery. Diana
Carol S.
on 8/4/05 5:01 pm - Tacoma, WA
Thank You Diana! I will keep you in mind! I think I still have your phone number and email address. The getting up there is not as scary as the thought of doing the taxi train shuffle on the way home. I know I will survive but I guess I just resent having to do it at all. I need to forgive and get on with life, life is just too short to carry around unforgiveness... too heavy a load. How are you doing? I know it is a hard time for you right now. Is there anything I can do to help? Luv Ya! Carol
on 8/5/05 1:28 am - Bellingham, WA
Thanks for the info Diana! I am one of your avid profile readers! I have kept up with your current situation and feel for you. I hope things go smoothly for you and you get what you want in the end. You deserve it! Dianaism Rocks! Lori
Tish H.
on 8/11/05 7:06 am - Federal Way, WA
WAIT! Carol, are you serious that you don't have a ride home from the hospital?! That is crazy. Listen, I know you don't know me, but I will bring you home. I will take time off from work - no problem (I work for Group Health, tee hee!). I had the surgery back in November, so I know the whole drill, and I live in Federal Way, so it's not like it's even out of my way. Besides, the hospital WILL NOT release you without a ride home. My friend had to sign a release form saying she was driving me home. You can't manage all that shuffling about after you've had surgery. Seriously, I would be thrilled to help out - that's exactly what this board is for, right??? We can meet beforehand if you would like to get to know each other. I even have a lot of nice clothes to pass on to some newly slimming people....some stuff still has the tags on! Tish
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