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on 8/21/08 5:45 am - Woodbury, MN
I'm not sure how many times I've read on these boards about someone who is panicing at the last minute.   Well, today it's me.  I'm at work and near tears so I just needed to get it out . . .
Yesterday I went to my pre-surgery class (my date is Sept. 8) and I also had some tests done.  And I think it just suddenly hit me, "what the heck am I doing?"  My whole life is going to change.  I already feel like I'm losing my best friend - food.  I keep telling myself, "just give this a year and if your miserable you can have it removed"  I'm hoping that at the end of a year I'll be glad I did this.  I'm sure you're all thinking "suck it up" - me too - what's my problem?!

I'm so scared. 


Megan M.
on 8/21/08 5:49 am - Cordova, SC

Problem? YOu are human. We all go through it. Its perfetly normal, as you already know from seeing what people write here on the boards. And I say if you give it a year you will LOVE your band and probably never want to get rid of it. Hang in there. It will all be worth it in the end.

Highest-212 Surg Weight -206.4 Current- 169 Surgeons Goal-150 Goal- 125

Pre-baby weight 148 Delivery weight 177 Current weight 169

on 8/21/08 5:52 am - Mayfield, PA
EVERYONE has their moment. (I had mine when I woke up after having the operation little late huh..LOL)

The only thing I can sugguest is that  try to remember why you made the decision in the first place. This panic is due to the "unknown" that you're going to be going through.  Relax, it's going to be fine. You made the right decision

~*~ Let Your Freak Flag Fly ~*~
It's not a Lap-Band it's a leash for my inner Wild Woman!

(deactivated member)
on 8/21/08 5:54 am
NO TRUST ME, I thought the same thing!  Even after surgery I had "buyers remorse".  I like my band, I have lost 35 lbs. since June.  I'm off my meds.  But I'm scared to death to get a fill because you hear so many horror stories about not being able to eat something.

Right now I eat a TON less then I use to, but I can still eat whatever I want.  So that scares me.  I like to have "control".  I am eating in moderation and I love it!  However the thought of a fill scares me, cause it sounds like so many people can't eat eggs, etc.

So don't worry, once you start losing, you'll feel better about it!

We've all been through the same fear.

Kristi H.
on 8/21/08 9:43 am - E Wenatchee, WA
Tbear, don't be afraid of the fill. I have had two, and have the kind of restriction i can live with. I had really great(?) restriction for about 10 days a wk after my 2nd fill. And to me it was uncomfortable, i got stuck felt sick etc... I couldn't live like that all the time. Since then, it has relaxed somewhat, and i have no problem eating any foods, as long as i follow the rules, small bites, eat slow, chew well, and don't drink with meals and for 1 hr after. I'm just now to a point where i can eat 1200 cals of solid protein w/ veggies. And i'm losing again. To me this is perfect restriction for me. It doesn't cause me any problems, yet i can still eat. You will know what is good for you and have it adjusted up or down. That's why they call it "adjustable"! You are in control of how you work the band at all times. That's the great thing about being banded. 
But ya know, if you are eating in a healthy manner, and losing weight, you may not need a fill. It's happened before. You may just be one of the really lucky ones. But if you arn't losing, then you will need a fill. Don't fear the fill! 
Good luck and God bless.  
What ever the LORD brings you to, HE will bring you thru.....
FILL'S  1st 5-30 2cc's   2nd 7-10 4cc's  3rd 9-16 1cc 4th 11-22 1.4cc
on 8/21/08 5:59 am - Arlington, TX
Everyone gets nervous as the day gets closer..... don't think of it as losing your best friend "food" -- thinking of it as gaining a lot of new friends "healthier food" - there isn't anything you can't modify to make it healthier and be able to eat..... you just will not want as much of anything.

I used to love chicken fajitas wrapped in flour tortilla - I still have chicken fajitas -- I just cut it up in small pieces, have about a tablespoon of rice and beans mixed together, top it off with an ounce of cheese and some salsa..... taste just as good - but now it is healthy.

Cheesburgers..... MMMMMM - now they are a hamburger pattie - topped with a slice of cheese, a couple slices of tomatoe, some shredded lettuce, a few pickles, and some mustard, mayo, ketchup as desired and taste just as good

You CAN still eat....... you will just make better choices, feel healthier, be happier.

Now you will RULE what food you eat.... you will not let food rule you.

Good luck and keep coming here for support !!!!


Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools


I am 5'1"   Pre-Op 264/Current 225/ First Gaol 160        14cc band - 6.2 cc's full
Surgery 1cc, 1st fill 2.4 cc's, 2nd fill 1.4 cc's, 3rd fill 1cc, 4th fill .4cc's 

Revision 3/27/14 from lap band to gastric sleeve  - starting weight after unfill 258






Nichole N.
on 8/21/08 6:11 am - Las Vegas, NV
First of all, this is totally NORMAL. I think everyone has a last minute freakout. I felt the same exact way and I think the thing I've realized is that even though you wake up banded and it seems everything has changed over really hasn't. This is a slow process. It takes time to lose weight, it takes time for your mind to catch up with your body, and it takes time to figure out the band... Anyway, what I'm trying to say is yes your whole life IS going to change...but not over night.

Also, you most likely will grieve food, but even that is a process. You will actually learn to like the new relationship you will develop with food. You're not saying goodbye to all of it forever. You're just developing a more healthy, less dysfunctional relationship with it.

You'll do great. Good luck!
(deactivated member)
on 8/21/08 6:41 am - North of NYC
I totally get what you're going through.  I haven't been banded yet either and I have those moments.  When I start to get cold feet i just think about the mess my so-called "friend" as gotten me into and then I think.... forget, I'm taking control of this situation PRONTO!!!

Stick to you guns and focus on the reasons you decided to move ahead 

on 8/21/08 6:41 am - West Monroe, LA
You know, if we could all respond to food as if it were our "old friend", visiting only when necessary and taking it in moderation.  But nooooooo, we respond to our "friend" like a stalker.  We wake thinking about it, we work thinking about it, we dream about it.  We abuse it!  No food is not our friend, its our victim.  But getting the band and adjusting to the new abilities to eat small portions, really helps put "our friend" into perspective.  I'm not saying its easy, but it will work. 


                S 254/C168/G150   
          "Patience is the companion of wisdom."  St. Augustine


Jean B.
on 8/21/08 6:55 am - St. Paul, MN
Perfectly normal! It would be more odd for you to not have some of these feelings. Where are you having your surgery done? There is a lap band support group through Unity Hospital in Fridley and we have a coffee group, but that's kind of far for you to come - you'd be more than welcome though, so let me know. It's a great idea to go to support groups before surgery to talk to people who have been there, done that. I know there are groups at Abbott, PNC, and St. Joe's too. We are lucky to have so many options here. Good luck with everything. You are doing a wonderful thing for yourself! Jean B.

267/237/171/149      1st nurse's visit/surgery/current/goal
down 66 lbs. since surgery; 96 lbs. total

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