Please don't say be patient!

on 2/13/09 12:27 am, edited 2/13/09 12:30 am - Palmdale, CA
Prospective lapbanders SHOULD know that this is a slow process....A normal weight loss is about 1-3(pushing it) pounds a week.  It sounds as if you've los****er weight and now it's time for fat loss...You have to exercise to see the scale go down.  Also...THROW that scale out or hide it.  What will happen is you'll get discouraged and start eating because YOU think it's not working. 
What really cracks me up is it takes sooooo much longer to pack the pounds on than it is to get the pounds off and people get angry because they don't see it melt....
I'm going to tell you, if you have other things on your mind (like exercise)and not obsess on the scale or weight loss, the pounds will start to come off. 
The band is a tool not a magic trick, you have to work at it too.

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.

Dobbie C.
on 2/13/09 12:36 am - Houma, LA
You also have to take the "I lost 40 pnds in a month" and put it in perspective. They may have more weight to loose than you, they may have an more active lifestyle, or their metabolism may be much faster than yours. Constantly comparing yourself to others is a recipe for disaster. And I truly believe stressing about weightloss makes it all the harder for us to loose those pounds. I'm not some Pollyanna, I get frustrated sometimes as well but if you focus your journey on improving your health instead of a particular number on the scale, or a particular dress size, this will be a much more rewarding trip. Ask I feel better than before the surgery, am I working towards being a healthier me, can I bend better, breathe better. Those answers at the end or the day are what makes this such a wonderous path to be on.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. - 
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Kae B.
on 2/13/09 12:40 am, edited 2/13/09 12:44 am
Lap Band on 12/12/08 with
Hi, Bamagirl!  I could have written your post almost word for word!  I was banded two months ago - lost great first week of course - so I'm down 22-l/2 and THANKS TO THIS WEBSITE
and all the info and encouragement from the ladies I'm learning to accept this slower
weight loss.  I also will increase my walking and treadmill and I think that will make some

I thought that once the lapband was in - I would be restricted - PERIOD.  Had no idea about 
 fills.  I don't think any of us knew about this in my 12/12 NJ group.

My first fill lasted 3 days - (3 ccs in a 15).  Second fill in a week and a half.

HERE IS MY DUMB QUESTION:  About three of you respondees have said, wait til you have
the fill that gives you restriction, etc.  Tell you the truth, I'm eating really well and not cheating -
so the restriction, really, will be a fringe benefit, correct?  I mean, restriction doesn't make you
lose more if you're already doing what you should be doing,correct? 
Dobbie C.
on 2/13/09 12:51 am - Houma, LA
Restriction just help you stay on track. If you are following the band rules of protein, then produce, then pasta/starches, Restriction makes this manageable for a long period of time. Before the band I was a successful dieter, which means that I could go on a diet and loose weight relatively easy and quickly....I just couldn't keep it off or stick to a regimen over a prolonged period of time, which or course lead to weight regain and even more pounds. That is what the band is designed for to make the lifestyle changes you make manageble. It won't do it by itself but it will help you achieve and maintain your goals.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. - 
Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)
Kae B.
on 2/13/09 12:58 am
Lap Band on 12/12/08 with
Well said, Dobbie C.  (Sorry also, Bamagirl for chiming in, but I think this will help you too).

When I'm frustrated I say, so why did I go thru this eight months of torture to get a lapband,
when I have no restriction.  Then I'm reminded of all the times I joined Weigh****chers -
my weight loss and my enthusiasm would last  about four weeks til the first flat scale reading. 

With the Lapband only recently in place, I do look forward to proper restriction as a tool to help with the long road ahead of me.   I remind myself, when I'm feeling low, that I have lost 22-l/2
pounds already and a dress size - and I hadn't done that in years with WW and also I say -
you went thru all this trouble - hang in there.

Cami R.
on 2/13/09 12:57 am - Ravenna, NE
I know we are all different, especially how we deal with weekends and nights when you are home and all the food is just in the kitchen.  Head hunger and emotional eating try to win out.  All I can say about that is try to stay active...not necessarily exercise but of course that is the best, bu****ch a movie, read a book/magazine...what ever you can get engrossed in and have the time go by without eating. 

The weightloss...for me, I stopped watching the scale daily.  I only register my weight loss on here by doctor's appointments but I do weigh at home on Saturday mornings.  It is too maddening to watch daily.  I went through days/week with no weight loss or gain (usually around certain times of the month) and then boom the next week I lose 3 pounds.  I have stayed consistant with 2-3 pounds a week for the 4 months since my surgery and I truly believe that is an accomplishment.  I have never been on average in weight loss EVER and I have never lost more than 20 pounds at a time and I beat that at 3 months.  I do admit I still keep thinking the scale is going to go back up to my starting weight and bring along some friends but hopefully this band will abolish that scenerio.

Best of luck....I don't have any restriction either after 2 fills, just keep with the eating rules and drink you water and the band will do its job.

on 2/13/09 1:06 am - Vegas, BABY! And in a smaller Human Suit, NV
As additional information, When I got filled to my sweet spot, I found that hunger was no longer an issue so I could actually focus on other thigns....hope that happens for you tow. I can count on one hand the times I ahve actually been HUNGRY and wanted to raid the firdge since about 10 months ago.

Kae B.
on 2/13/09 1:14 am
Lap Band on 12/12/08 with

Excellent answer - I can't wait til that happens to me!

on 2/13/09 2:34 am - Pansey, AL
Hi, BamaGirl...
Another bamagirl coming at ya.
Please dont get discouraged. This band will make you learn that you have more patients than you ever thought possible. Some months go by and I lose good. The next I might only lose a couple of pounds. Never get discouraged, I try to look at it this way. It took me years to gain this weight and it can take years for me to get it off. 
Be strong this weekend. I will probably have a candy problem also. Its valentines and its also my anniversary. Its all good and you are going to do great. Nice to meet another bama lady! 

 Highest/Pre-op/Now/Goal  298/279/173

I made it to 173 then went back up to 195..Now its time to get busy again and lose this weight that I have gained. I quit smoking and put some weight back on. I am going to get it off starting NOW! 


 10 cc Allergan     7.1  cc's so far                    

on 2/13/09 3:41 am - AL
Thanks for the kind words, I am sure it is this way for most everybody.  we really know the answer before we ask the question, but it is so nice to be affirmed by others that are going through the same thing.  I like to know others feel the say and I am not some alien...

It's great to be from ALABAMA!!

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