
on 3/6/11 1:59 am - CT
Ok so my co-worker called to tell me that Dr.Oz show were looking for ppl who have had or plan to get the Lap Band. I responded and guess what they called!!! I will be on the Dr.Oz show represented the Band whooo-hooo. I will taping on Friday the 11th. Wish me luck!!

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lori S.
on 3/6/11 2:14 am - MI
 As a guest?  Or someone in the audience?  Either way that's way cool.  Is his show a taped show or live?  I'd be interested in watching it, so if you know when it will air please post it!    Thanks Lori


on 3/6/11 3:40 am - CT
As a guest!!! YaYYY

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Born Lucky
on 3/6/11 2:34 am
Awesome!  Let us know how it goes, and the air date!

"All things are possible when you find and believe in your own personal strength."
Formerly "TamiFromAL"; 4cc band, unfilled
on 3/6/11 3:44 am - Davenport, FL
That's great!!  That will be fun!  Do let us know in case I don't see/hear a commercial for it.
on 3/6/11 4:24 am
 That is awesome news.  Definitely let us know when it will be on and we will all watch.
on 3/6/11 6:32 am - TN
Wow! Very exciting!

Let us know when it will air!

Good luck,


on 3/7/11 1:50 am
That is great!!!! I love Dr Oz!!! I watch him almost every day. He has a lot of very useful info on his show. Be sure you let us know when it is to air. Post several times so no one misses it.
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