on 4/4/13 6:59 am - Hialeah, Fl

Hi Everyone!

I had a RNY done back in 2002 when I was 21. I lost a lot of weight, but over the years, bad eating habits and  2 kids, i have gained enough weight to have me back on the "obesity" level of my BMI scale.

I have a few questions:


1.IslLapband after rny safe?

2. For those of you that have medicaid, were you covered?

What were the requirements?

Bette B.
on 4/4/13 8:52 am

Hi, Cristy!


I can't tell you too much, other than to tell you that it has been done. It's called "Band over Bypass" or BoB. Every once in a while a post comes up about it. Maybe do a search?



Banded 10 years & maintaining my weight loss!! Any questions, message me.

on 4/4/13 9:01 am - Vancouver, WA

There are mixed results, some are quite successful and others still struggle. I think it depends on if you have changed your lifestyle to be successful. Your RNY was quite awhile ago and after the first couple of years you don't malabsorb as much as in the beginning so a band might help reconstrict  your pouch and help some but it still all comes down to lifestyle change. Have you gone back to old behaviors, are you still journaling your food and getting exercise? Maybe you just need to go back to basics. Just some things to think about before jumping into something else.

on 4/4/13 10:28 am
VSG on 03/25/16

Hi Christy, It is called band over Bypass and lisa has had it done and last I seen she was happy with it.  Type her name in the search and see if you can find her info LisaBeezee

Lapband - Jan 2009 weight goal reached with lapband. Revised to VSG- 1/25/16

on 4/4/13 11:43 am - Vancouver, WA

I believe Heather Cross has one also and has been successful. You might check her profile too.

Kate -True Brit
on 4/5/13 7:16 pm - UK


Sure if you pm Heathercross she will help you.


results seem to be mixed. Heather has done brilliantly.

Highest 290, Banded - 248   Lowest 139 (too thin!). Comfort zone 155-165.

Happily banded since May 2006.  Regain of 28lbs 2013-14.  ALL GONE!

But some has returned! Up to 175, argh! Off we go again,


on 4/10/13 11:08 am - New York, NY

Hi, Im Heather Cross, thanks Ladies.  Yes, I've done well, but, Im also thankful as HELL I had a 2nd chance and I used all I learned fromt he RNY,.  I, too, had my RNY in 2002. You should start by seeing your doctor and getting some tests.  Get a CT Scan of your abdomen as well as a Endoscopy, there you can see your pouch size and stoma.  My pouch was REALLY stretched, so, i was a good candidate. I had my BOB in June of 2011. I went from 250 to 170ish. I am happy but you must know the BAND IS WORK.  ITS ONE HECK OF A COMMITMENT.  It is the EXACT opposite of the RNY . A fool could lose with the RNY, the band is a diet and a lot of work.  Its also hit or miss I get from reading about others - i compare it to shopping at TJ Maxx.

on 5/4/13 1:04 pm

Hi Christy,

I also had my RNY done in 2002 and I am scheduled for a Band over Bypass this Friday, May 10th.  Everyone that I have talked to who has had it done has had great results and are either at or below their goal.  I didnt want the DS because I am not going to go through another major surgery, and after all of my research I think this is the best route for me. 

Good luck with your decision and feel free to message me anytime.




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