second set of appointments

on 4/19/11 9:32 am - Guelph, Canada
Hi everyone,

My second set of appointments at the Guelph clinic is tomorrow afternoon, and I'm starting to worry that I may have done or not done something so that my file won't go forward, or will be delayed.

I haven't gained weight, which I know is the big 'no-no'; in fact I think I've lost 5-7 lbs since my first appointments in February. But don't worry; my bmi is plenty high enough, and I have co-morbidities, so losing a few pounds at this point won't be an issue...

Per the Nut's instructions, I've been keeping a 'food and mood' journal, but 1.  I misplaced the notebook with the first 3 weeks' notes, and  2. I'm not very good about recording the moods. I was told to use H.A.L.T (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired).  After a couple of weeks, I realized that, at least during the daytime, and with only a couple of exceptions (Tired), the only times I ate were when I was actually Hungry.  If I recognized that I was feeling another emotion, I just told myself to drink some water instead, so I stopped writing that down.

Now, the evening is totally different.  Post supper, I want to have snack after snack, mostly out of boredom, tiredness, loneliness (when hubby's snoring on the couch next to me while we're watching tv) or just because there are tantalizing commercials on. I also have a happy/social trigger: if my 21-yr-old daughter pops into the living room and offers to make/share a snack, I almost always want to join her. I'm beginning to recognize this and sometimes I decline...

Now another reason I'm worried about tomorrow's visit is that the SW said she wanted me to join a water fitness/therapy class.  ( I can't walk much because of arthritis.) Last week I posted asking about it, and had some great replies (thank you!).  I also spoke with a co-worker who used to go for a knee injury, and she was very encouraging. 

Then, I went to Pennington's on the weekend (Hi Pat!) and bought a new bathingsuit with a skirt halfway down to my knees (yay!) in a sufficiently small size so it will act like spanx on my saggy c-section belly (a.k.a. 'frontbutt'), so I'm now ready to go do the water thing.

However, since Sunday and thanks to this crazy weather, I've had a terrible migraine with nausea, so no swimming for me...maybe next week...

Is this the kind of thing (failing to complete a task as requested) that will get me bumped to the back of the line? Thanks to my personal trainer (my 18-yr-old son) I have started lifting weights every second day for about 10-15 minutes.  It's just light weights and lots of reps, but I hope it will help me with muscle tone, so it's not like I haven't done any exercise...

Sorry for whining so much. It's just in my nature to worry that I'm doing something wrong.

On the bright side, I've made up a list of almost 50 commitments to changing my behaviour (and a statement of what I've accomplished so far on each).  It has things like 'take my lunch/snacks to work everyday' (yes!) and chew more slowly (needs work).

Ok, I feel a bit better. Thanks for letting me rant on...

NervousNelly (Sharon)

p.s. If my headache is better, I'll try to go to Cambridge tomorrow night.
(deactivated member)
on 4/19/11 9:35 am - Guelph, Canada
 OT:..sorry.. did you get my link for the updated aquafit schedule?
on 4/19/11 10:03 am - Guelph, Canada
Oh, yes Dee, I did.  I tried to reply to your DM yesterday, but I couldn't get it to work.  I don't know if it was me or the computer...

I spoke with a nice woman named Jennifer at the West End Rec Centre last week, and she gave me the details as well.

Thanks! Maybe see you there sometime?

on 4/19/11 9:37 am
I would look at the positives that you are working on already.  We are on a journey and it is not a sprint.  Small steps forward need to be recognized.  You have itemized lots of things that you are doing in a positive vein.  Make a list of them and concentrate on the positive with your appt.

Good luck and don't be nervous.  The worrying does not burn calories!  LOL
on 4/19/11 10:15 am - Guelph, Canada
Thank you JJ. I guess I can minimize what I haven't done yet and put a good spin on what I have done.  Probably they just want to make sure they aren't wasting their time on someone who won't take the lifestyle changes seriously, right?

on 4/19/11 9:46 am
The NUT and SW will be amazed and how much you have accomplished in such a short time.  I logged about 6 weeks of food journal and the NUT was so excited she took the pages and put it in my file.  I only saw the SW once so I didn't have follow up with her.  It  really shows that you are committed to the surgery. Good Luck!
on 4/19/11 10:10 am - Guelph, Canada
Thank you Donna. I'm sure a part of me was fishing for some supportive back-patting! lol!

I do recognize that I'm making important progress, but I'm not sure if it's enough for what they are expecting. 

I think the reason I have to see the SW again is that I broke into tears about halfway through the first appointment, so she wanted to make sure I wasn't 'unstable'...

Also, I had brought with me a pro-con list of whether I should even have this surgery (compulsive list-maker) and she probably wants to see if I've finally come to a conclusion.  I have!

Thanks, s

on 4/19/11 11:18 am
 It soundslike you have really been committed to me.  Life does happen and they certainly understand this.  Stability is important but you have shown them that you are making every effort to make an informed decision.  They want to be as sure as possible that you understand all that is involved.  Congratulations on the weight loss.  Good work.  You will make that aquafit class yet!
on 4/19/11 12:15 pm - Guelph, Canada
Thanks Pat!
Sharon D.
on 4/19/11 1:33 pm - Guelph, Canada
I think you are doing a great job. If you were at Penningtons on the weekend, Did you see the fashion show?
Dr Referal October 3/10     SW NUT AND NURSE June 10/11  8am
Orientaion was March 10/11 Upper GI April 13 9am-10am HPylori Test - Negative CPAP -done
Ultra Sound -March 3/11All other tests are done!!!!! Next Appt Aug 15/2010
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