Carb Purge

elizabeth G.
on 5/15/11 9:57 am - Canada
So, I have decided to attempt a carb purge over the next couple of weeks.  My weight loss has been almost non existent since Christmas, and I know I am TOTALLY responsible.  I have been enjoying WAY to many carbs--bad carbs--and I have found myself stuck at the same weight because of my bad choices. 

I am going to limit myself to 50 carbs a day, but good carbs  :)  If you do not mind, i am going to make myself accountable and check in every night to let you know how many carbs i have had each day 

Is there anyone else who wants to do a daily carb check in with me for a couple of weeks?  I am going to weight myself in the morning and then not again for 2 weeks.  I really hope that this is the kick start I need to get the numbers to start going down again.


on 5/15/11 11:52 am - kapuskasing, Canada
good evening Liz, im with you on this carb purge....we must be related cause i did the same thing! lol lol  and the more you eat bad carbs the more you want so this is it . .    :0)
ill be posting every night  . . . no more than 50 carbs ! good luck we can do it!
on 5/15/11 12:27 pm
Good Luck! You'll do great!


on 5/15/11 1:05 pm - Ontario , Canada
Check out the 5day pouch test...there is another thread on here, and a few of us are doing it...would be a great kick start!!!  

(deactivated member)
on 5/15/11 10:46 pm - Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
I'm with you!

You and I are having the same issues and I've been thinking (but not doing ) something about it too.  If you'd like, we could all be even more accountable by being "friends" on myfitnesspal ... we could see each other's intake.  Just a thought.

Either way, I'll check in tonight (or tomorrow morning) with my carb total for the day ....  good luck to all who join us!

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