Coffee, straws and bubbly stuff!

(deactivated member)
on 6/23/11 10:44 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
I order the iced coffee made with milk, no base, and I bring my flavoured splenda packets with me and put my own in.
Karen M.
on 6/23/11 10:50 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Hmmm... that sounds good.  I like getting an iced coffee from Starbucks, just coffee and milk over ice.  Delish.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 6/23/11 9:48 am - Ottawa, Canada
Sue at our information session we were told that caffeine acts like sandpaper in the new pouch, this is why you shouldn't have it plus it acts as a diuretics. Getting the right about of fluid in is critical
 I suggest sticking to the advice set forth by your bardiatric centre, but thats just me. 


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



MS Miller
on 6/23/11 9:56 am - Nepean, Canada

Thanks, I am very good at following the rules, as I am diabetic and have it totaly under control, by diet and execise, I'm just curious, as I enjoy a coffee a day, I have already switched to decaf with no headaches or problems.

As for the camelback it's a water bottle you buy at say MEC or LeBarons or sports store, kind of like an adult sippy cup, I use them all the time, as I bike or even in the car as they don't spill.

Thanks Sue
on 6/23/11 11:52 am - Orillia, Canada
I am three months post op and I have been able to drink 'normal' coffee for about a month. I asked my NUT if it was OK and she said it was as long as I was getting in all my water. Each clinic (or NUT for that matter) may advise differently. I started with 1/2 decaf 1/2 normal and worked my way up. I only drink one cup a day now compared to 6-7 pre-op. It keeps my headaches at bay for the most part. My pouch didn't like it too much at first, but boy did it taste good. As long as I stick to a small, I'm OK.

Good luck on your journey,



                 "Don't trade what you want the most,
                    for what you want at the moment."


on 6/23/11 8:08 pm - Port Rowan, Canada
I switched to decaf for a few months, and at one of my follow ups I asked my NUT if I could have the fully leaded again and was told yes so long as it was just one or two per day and not counted towards my fluid intake due to being a diuretic. 

As for the straw thing, I have never understood that one.  I have forgotten on occasion, especially with ice coffee, and never had a problem. 

I was never a big pop drinker and still haven't tried it since surgery, so I don't know on that one.

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
  but anyone can start today and make a new ending.? ~Maria Robinson

HW:  292 lbs          SW:  226 lbs        Clinic's GW:  160 lbs          My GW: 145 lbs
(deactivated member)
on 6/23/11 10:09 pm - Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
I've been drinking regular coffee since about 4 mo out with no troubles ... only ever have one or two a day.

I gave up pop pre surgery and the one time I forgot myself and had some it was really uncomfortable .... gassy and burpy for quite a while.

As for straws; don't like them so can't speak to whether it's a problem or not post-surgery.

on 6/24/11 1:53 am - Canada
I never did drink Coffee, so that wasn't an issue for me.

But i do and always have drank out of a straw. it doesn't seem to bother me so i will continue using it with my protein shakes.

The pop, is my downfall, and I won't go back to it. Been over a year since i've had a Diet coke,pepsi anything. If i start drinking it again, i'll want to start smoking and eating crap, so that's my NEVER passing my lips EVER. Honestly I don't miss it.
Mary A.
on 6/28/11 4:16 am
I am assuming you mean the sparkling water and not the wine???~!!!

I have a large iced coffee 2 milk, 2 sweetners NO syrup everyday at lunch from McDonalds.

I personally don't do soda/pop or ANYTHING carbonated

..I can't stand the pain....drinking diet anything with carbonation could turn into a slippery slope...remember diet soda, never kept anyone from gaining weight....all you have to do is Google (weight gain linked to diet soda) and voila m

how many people that drink diet soft drinks are obese....LOTS!!!!

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 6/28/11 1:22 pm
I was cleared to start having caffeine again 1 month out from surgery (after mu 1 m followup). I was told no pop... and don't plan to go get that monkey back on my back (I was a Coke(Zero)aholic). Straws are the most spurious of the post-WLS advice to me. I don't think they do harm, just may cause discomfort, so don't do it if it causes discomfort, but I think a CamelBak is different from a drinking straw anyways as the water stays in the straw where a drinking straw fills back up with air... right?
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