Catching Zzzzzzzz's

Allyson A.
on 7/1/11 10:35 am - Seeleys Bay, Canada
I am on day 4 of Optifast and find myself always wanting to sleep.  I normally am an early riser (between 5 &  6 am) but find myself sleeping in till 7.  And then mid afternoon around 2:30 I can't keep my eyes open and I go for a 2 hour nap.

Has anyone else felt like this while on Opti or is this normal?


HW 318  SW 291 

on 7/1/11 11:55 am
 I've felt like this all week. I started OptiFast last Friday (24th) and all that weekend, I was tired and sluggish and had a couple of naps on the couch. During the week I was a bit better but then Wednesday and Thursday I was out busy all day and today I slept until 11:30 and just feel drained. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. I feel like it's because my body was used to more calories and energy from food (just a thought) that it's taking time to adjust.

Happy Napping! LOL

Katie  ♥     
Allyson A.
on 7/1/11 11:58 am - Seeleys Bay, Canada
Thanks K, That makes sense. I guess this too shall pass. Lol

HW 318  SW 291 

(deactivated member)
on 7/1/11 1:29 pm - Canada
Ive been feeling VERY sluggish on Opti too. Not so much at work, but when I get home I don't want to do anything! I usually dance or play with my nephew but I haven't been up to it and I feel horrible saying no to him. He's only 4 and doesn't understand why Auntie's milkshakes are making her tired. According to him "milkshakes make your tummy feel better" - he said this to me this morning.
Allyson A.
on 7/1/11 7:54 pm - Seeleys Bay, Canada
Hi Simona, It is helpful knowing that this is somewhat normal behavior for Opti.

Wishing you a successful journey.

HW 318  SW 291 

on 7/1/11 10:42 pm
I also think that perhaps your body is going through a lot of changes which takes energy.  One way of getting energy is to rest and rejuvenate.  The other is through food.

Or perhaps it is just your body adjusting to less food/calorie intake.

Good luck Allyson and Simona :)

on 7/1/11 11:01 pm
I "think" it is part of withdrawl. I found it beastly at first esp without my coffee as I really only would have 1/2 a cup during the day....
Best of i set here with a Vanilla and shot of is 9:01 am....

on 7/2/11 6:09 am - Canada
Just a thought:  Some of it could be emotional.  I haven't been on Opti, but I know the first time I quit smoking, I expected to have a ton of energy, but instead all I did was sleep.  I didn't really have the motivation to be awake, active or involved in life for a while, because I was so used to my acitvities being puctuated with smoking.  So I slept and got over the early withdrawal and change to my prev lifestyle. 

You are also now without artificial stimulants: no sugar or caffeine at all.  Not to mention less calories. 

Good luck on the rest of your journey.

on 7/2/11 8:37 am - Kingston, Canada

I get really lethargic around the 3 hour mark.  Optifast has been a great lesson to listen to my body's cues.   I also find I'm wanting to go to bed much earlier than usual.  Lots of quality sleep will also help with weight the extra naps will help!    

on 7/2/11 10:04 am - Ottawa, Canada

All I can say is I'm really glad that I started Optifast on a Friday because it seems I have done nothing but sleep. This is day two for me and I'm hoping that it will get better as each day goes on


In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.

Surgery July 22, 2011  Starting weight 270  128 lbs lost  Today's weight 142 lbs                 Ann       



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