Can I realy do this!

Leslie W.
on 7/28/11 12:51 pm - Cobourg, Canada
For way too many years I did no9t put my self at the top of the list. Felt bad, sad and depressed, then through great therapy (and antidepressents) learned that I deserve to feel good about myself and do things that will make me feel good. I would suggest getting your hubby to attend the support groups and to join in on your appointments. My husband is now beghind me 100%. Meeting others who have gone through this has helped him to understand me better.

I wish you well. Leslie
Referral: August 2010 Orientation TWH: May 25, 2011  NP: June 8/11, f/u sleep clinic June 7, abd u/s June 14, SW: June 28/11  Nutrition Class: July 5/11, Dietician Aug 09, Psychologist Aug 25 Surgeon Sept 16th Surgery Date: Oct 11/11 HW:287, Opti wt: 260 SW: 242
My Angel is Sheri TK   
Linda C.
on 7/28/11 12:57 pm
Brigitte- you can do this.  We all can do this.  Remember that you have a whole other family on here to be with you every step of the way.  We have your back.  So lean on us when you need to.  That's what is so good about this forum - the people here really do understand, and have a wealth of knowledge and support to share.

Hang in there!

Linda C.

_______________ My  is jennifer_rpn______________________________
Includes 72 lbs lost prior to Optifast;  additional 20 lbs lost on Optifast

on 7/28/11 1:00 pm - mississauga, Canada
hey there girl i just want to say that you have come to the rite place this site is very helpful for everything you need, great advice, ventice and lots of vetrens with great expierence to share with you so u r doing the rite thing by coming on here good first step i am proud of you for coming out and posting and you can do this u really can its not always easy but it is always worth it.  you r not a failer at all and dont think that you are because you are reaching out and thats a good thing. feel free to vent and post and take in everything that everyone is saying to you we r very glad that you are here.  i am always here to talk if you ever would like to chat keep it up girl you will do well and optifast is well worth it when you do go on it its  a chance to lose some weight prior to surgery and it prepares ur body and ur liver for the surgery and its great i didnt think i could do it but i did and i am so very proud of myself that i did it.  i am proud you r on here girl always remember we are always here for you me too messge me anytime take care girl and remember you can do this!!!! hugs for youxxoo
RNY 07/05/11 dr klein!!! love it soo happy xxoo!!
Eileen C.
on 7/28/11 2:13 pm - Cornwall, Canada
Hi Brigitte

Breath, just take it one step at a time, you and your little family will do fine.

You will do fine before and after the surgery. Remember to sip, walk, sip, walk after surgery.

My experience after surgery was that I did not feel hungry for at least 3 months, I had to remind myself to eat LOL, that doesn't happen to everyone, but it was like that for me.

Follow your doc's orders and instructions after surgery and you will succeed.

As far as making meals, I am the only one at home that makes the meals for my hubby, adult son and his live-in girlfriend, she doesn't cook, but she does help around the house which I feel is more important LOL, I don't mind cooking.

My family likes the way I cook now better than before my surgery. LOL

I sometimes still put too much on my plate, but I look to my husband or son and they will sometimes finish my meal for me, which may only be a bite or two of whatever I put on my plate, but it is still a bite or two that I cannot manage to eat.  They don't have any weight issues and they are really eating healthier than before.

We all have gone thru the surgery, the meal making, different meals for ourselves and the rest of the first because of the doc's orders following the surgery etc.

You will enjoy all the WOW's associated with the weight loss, please remember to share them with us, we enjoy to hear of all the WOW moments, and they will be lots.

Again, breath, and remember you are having the surgery to improve your health and to be there for your family.

Take care and sending you warm hugs 

Keep up your chin, you are on the ride of your life, so hang on  LOL

            my angel is Lisa48                                        
on 7/28/11 2:14 pm
You can do it, just keep in mind you do have 5 children.  You will be getting healthy for them and showing them a healthier way of eating.  You don't want them to fall into the same bad habits.  Get them on board with good meal planning and helping in the kitchen, they will thank you for that when they move out on their own. By involving them in the process they can share in your accomplishments and be proud of their mother and be your cheering squad.

As far as husband goes, he may be scared too. Just tell him you need his support and hopefully he will come around, if not, just show him how strong a woman you are (with 5 kids I know you are).
Nov 29/10   Referred to St Josephs Hamilton
Dec 6/10    Orientation
Mar 9/11     Nurse, Dietician & Social Worker
Mar 31/11   Internest
May 26/11  Surgeon & pre-surgery class
JULY 11/11  VSG, hernia repair by  Dr Mehran Anvari
on 7/28/11 10:29 pm - Sumerstown, Canada
Wow I always knew that you guys were great.  Just didn't know how amazing and wonderful you people could be.  This has given me back the will to fight.  With a support group like this behind me there's no way in hell I can fail.  Thank you so much for all the support, your words means more to me then you will never know.  The advice right on the button, thanks for all the trick's!  Forever grateful!

Highs weigh   241                                      Referal: November, 2010
Before opti     231                                      Surgery date: May 10, 2012
After opti        220                                           

on 7/28/11 11:30 pm
Brigitte, you've received terrific advice and I agree with everyone!  You are NOT a failure!  This surgery will make you a BETTER, wife, mother, aunt etc., I'm sure!  You will be cooking healthier, feeling better, more confident, more mobile, more FUN!

You have so much to look forward to and believe me, the Burger King will be there (less the bun and most of the fries) eventually, just in much smaller quantities that WILL satisfy you!  Tim's coffee, you can go for almost immediately, maybe decaf (I personally like it just as much), but eventually caffienated as well.  I'm so looking forward to your wow's! 


"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


Betty Jo L.
on 7/29/11 1:25 am
 Brigitte like everyone said you can do it!! I have no kids but I do have two nephews and I devote all my time to them and everyone else. In the middle of that here I am gaining weight like crazy cause I didn't take the time for me and get on a healty rutine. Well here is our chance to make ourself healty and happy. It is hard to diet when everyone else around is eating that take out and here you are eating lettuce. That is why we have this tool to help us get healty. I am on my third day of optifast and I wanted to die the first two days but its getting better. I am hungry but not so much. I just avoid poeple who are eating take out at work or at home. I will admit that I am scared that I might fail BUT...I can't think that way...positive thoughts that it will be succesful. So take this time and do this for you. Everyone in the world deserves something great at one time in there life. This is your time. BRIGITTE TIME. So take it . U deserve it after taking care of your family.
 Be Happy and live your life to the fullest          
on 7/29/11 2:46 am - Toronto, Canada
There isn't much more that I can add. But you can be strong and get can do it!!!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 7/29/11 4:02 am - Canada
Trust me the small portion of food isn't an issue. i enjoy my food more now than ever before in my life. I actually eat it slowly enough to taste it.

A year and a half out more than 3/4 of a cup of food and i feel like i just did 5 trips to the buffet at the Mandarin restaurant. I'm way more about quality now than quantitly.

Tim's chili while not as good nutritionally as Wendy's is something you'll be able to eat after a couple months or you can always grab a soup, coffee or tea . i quite often add my protien ( i mix it in a small container with some milk) to a Timmies coffee in the morning.

At McD's I finally discovered a meal that agrees with me - iced coffee, hold the base (aka sugar syrup), and make it with milk not cream and a grilled ranch chicken snack wrap with no toppings. I eat the chicken and maybe a bite of the wrap if i feel like it. And that's enough. I know - who'd have thunk it before surgery but I'm good after one of those.

and if there is junk food you can't control yourself on after surgery - put your foot down, don't buy it and tell your family they can only eat it out of your sight and they must leave no evidence. Contrary to popular opinion, lack of junk food in the house is not considered child or spousal abuse.
Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

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