Weight loss explanation to those who did not know you had WLS.

MS Miller
on 7/31/11 2:41 am - Nepean, Canada
Thanks everyone,

It's been a long journey from my decision to today 6 weeks away from surgery. I am doing this for my health, diabetes is my issue it's mild now but affraid of the future, I'm looking forward to a healthier life.

Thank you all gain for your support.

 Surgery Sept 13th 2011 Dr. Hagen 
on 7/31/11 3:13 am - toronto, Canada
hi Sue
i would tell your mom,that your doing a high protien low carb portion control . which is true .i'm glad thst you have people that are supportive, good luck in your journey

(deactivated member)
on 7/31/11 4:31 am
I tell people I weigh and measure everything and that I exercise like crazy.

No one needs to know anything you don't want to tell them.

on 7/31/11 6:40 am - Kitchener, Canada
I tell people, I eat less than 1000 calories a day, and I watch everything I eat, and try to stick with eating protein first and choose low carb food-  wich is not a lie 

Jennifer H.
on 7/31/11 7:58 am - Sudbury, Canada
Short and simple - portion control, sticking to specific rules regarding menu (eg no sugar) and excercise.

Sorry about your mom's attitude. That sucks.
HW 441, SW 401, GW 200 B Positive. It's not just my blood type.        
Joanne J.
on 7/31/11 8:44 am - Canada
Hi there, it would be up to you if you want to tell them but personally i told my mom brother and couple friends the ones that's in my life right now, only my mom was worried at first but she is with me now even tho she is a little scared for me but i assured her ill be fine..anybody ask me am telling them the truth whether they like it or not..i did this for me not for them if they dont like it they can lump it that's an old  saying lol..
tell them if you like but just make sure when you tell them something else that it doesn't bother you inside and you feel guilty of not telling them what it really was do what your heart is telling you when you comfortable enough to tell then you will its your choice.
Jo x
on 7/31/11 9:06 am - Toronto, Canada
I am also NOT telling people about my choice in getting WLS. My mom is great and I've told  2 of my best friends and that's it. I've decided to try Weigh****chers (again) while waiting for this process ...... I am hoping that I could loose a little and honestly tell them that I am on Weigh****chers (fingers crossed for even a little weight loss before the surgery)

The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed - R.B. Sheridan

on 8/1/11 3:44 am
Hi Sue

The only people I told before surgery are my two kids, my husband and my best friend (we did the WLS journey together).  I told my mom and dad 3 weeks after the fact.  I knew that my mom would be scared ****less for me and when she's afraid she gets mad.  She would have told me to control my portions and add some more exercise into my life. . . . . .it's hard to explain to someone you love that you just can't do that anymore . . . . . .you need a different kind of help that only surgery can give you.  I just didn't want to deal with drama so I waited.  In the end, I made the right choice for me and my mom was glad that she didn't know ahead of time because she knew that the worry would have been too much for her. 

After surgery, I have been protecting myself so I selectively tell people *****ally know me and want the best for me.  I have had a few nasty comments about my weight loss from people who don't know that I took the surgical route. . . .I can't imagine if they find out what they will say.  I am not good at responding quickly to comments that hurt.  I wish that I was.  I just don't want to explain that I'm not taking the easy way out. . . . . .or trying to prove to people that the WLS process is valid and that I have a knowledgeable team who is looking after me. . . . . . and who thought that I was a good candidate for many reasons. 

I do struggle with people who genuinely are happy for me and want to know what the secret to my success is.  That's hard.  I tell them that I eat more protein, have smaller portions, and had added exercise to my life.  It's all true but I still feel dishonest.  I value honesty so this is difficult for me.  I hope over time that I will find a way to deal with this situation better.

In the end, listen to your heart.  You will know what to do if you do that.  Good Luck and Enjoy the Journey.

Out of HEARTACHE . . . . comes JOY!!!    
Referring Weight - 256lbs
Dietician Weight In - 253lbs
Starting Optifast Weight - 250lbs
Surgery Day Weight - 240lbs
Current Weight - 171 lbs

My Angel with Wings. . . and My Earth Angel . . . .is Sandi, who's. . . . . .going2Bthin!! 
on 8/1/11 12:38 pm
 I could have wrote the identical post myself..... exact same situation for me.  I am telling no one, except my partner.  Not my kids, as I don't want them to think they are be unhealthly and just get surgery later in life to fix the problem.  I am not telling co-workers or friends.  I am telling everyone that I am eating less, eatling better, and excerising a hell of a lot more.  If anyone else has the guts to be specific, did you have wls?  my response will be the tape worm answer given by someone else.  I really really like that.

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