Feeling kind of odd every one in a while?

laura S.
on 8/21/11 1:20 am - London, Canada
I had surgery on August 11th, and the last couple of days I keep getting this weird feeling where it seems like all the blood rushes to my toes.  My hands get tingly, my feet get cold and I feel really weak and a little dizzy right afterwards for a minute or so and then I'm fine.  I checked my blood sugar last night when it happened and it was perfect, so that's not it.  It's not when I stand up - although it did happen once while I was getting up.  It's been happening mostly while I'm sitting down.  I don't think it's anything to panic about, but it's an odd feeling.  It's probably just from lack of calories since I'm not getting many in on the liquid diet, but basically I just wondered if anyone else has had this feeling shortly after surgery? 

I'm feeling really good since surgery other than the trapped gas thing I have going on - which has improved slightly, but seems to be pretty stubborn about moving on!  

Karen M.
on 8/21/11 1:38 am - Mississauga, Canada
Not sure what's causing it, but it seems pretty common.  Likely lack of calories, but as a thought, are you on BP meds?



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laura S.
on 8/21/11 5:06 am - London, Canada
No bp meds.  I was for a while, but they took me off of them a couple of months ago.  When I was at the doctors on Friday she said my blood pressure was perfect though.  
on 8/21/11 1:55 am - Sudbury, Canada
How much water are you getting in?  I find that if I'm not getting enough water I start to feel woozy when I stand and I have to sit down for a minute.
laura S.
on 8/21/11 5:06 am - London, Canada
I'm actually doing really super well with water too.  Getting in the 2 litres every day.  Maybe I need more?  
on 8/21/11 3:36 am - Pickering, Canada
 Like Karen I thought of BP meds, since I was off of mine for a week and had some adjustments when I started back. 
Take good care.
laura S.
on 8/21/11 5:07 am - London, Canada
If I'm still doing it tomorrow maybe I'll call my family doctor and talk to her about it.  Thanks for your thoughts!  Was hoping everyone would say it was normal!  LOL
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