Hoping somone can help!!!!

on 12/25/11 1:15 pm
Hey Everyone,

I am hoping someone has experienced this and can tell me its normal, or if it isn't that its not..lol.
Christmas Eve I thought I would be alright trying 1 cabbage roll with family ( I didn't finish the entire thing, after 45 min. of eating I stopped), unfortunately this was not successful, and I realized after the fact, that this was a VERY bad idea. I haven't even thought about the rice (which I didn't eat most of) and the texture/fibrous texture of the cabbage.
Approximately 15 min after eating, I began getting severe cramps in the lower abdomomen which would come and go. This then developed into diarhea. Its now been almost 30 hours, and I am still experiencing these same symptoms, along with occasional streaks of nausea. I have managed to drink 2 protien shakes, and water, but the symptoms continue. At this point I have nothing left in my system but it just continues!
I have researched dumping, and this doesnt seem to match up with what I have, but who knows!
Needless to say, it hasn't been a merry christmas here, but I am trying to keep my chin up (and I will also NEVER be having cabbage rolls again!)

Hopefully someone can help me!!
Thanks everyone, and merry christmas!

on 12/25/11 1:57 pm - Canada
 Hi ya!!! Sorry that you're stuck with my attempt at helping you.  I just got home from my Christmas dinner with hubby's family.   I don't really know what to tell you other than I would be calling Tele-Health or I'd be going to an emerg.  Sounds like you're in a situation where you could become dehydrated very quickly.  Please be very careful with this!   Maybe it's not just dumping, is it possible that you've picked up a flu bug?

Please be careful and try to keep sipping a****er.

on 12/25/11 1:58 pm - Canada
I'm sorry to hear your having such a crummy holiday. 30 hours is a long time and I'd be worried about dehydration. It's probably time to call your surgeon. You might need to go to a hospital. I hope you feel better soon.  
Highest Weight - 372 (May 2010)
Surgery Weight - 332.6 (March 4, 2011)
Current Weight - 212.9
Goal Weight - 175
Monica M.
on 12/25/11 2:39 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
Breanne, i'm sorry you're feeling so unwell. I know a bunch of people have been struck with a stomach bug, tho, and it could be what you're experiencing, rtahter than dumping or something. Keep getting the fluid in, clear fluids, no milk products, (so, really, stick to water). Call your wls centre when you can and get their opinion.
laura S.
on 12/25/11 9:07 pm - London, Canada
I agree with what everyone else has said.  Be careful.  Look after yourself and stick to easy things on your tummy for a day or so.  If you think you are becoming dehydrated though - get yourself into emerg.

Keep us posted.


on 12/26/11 4:44 am
 hey guys...
Thinks fornyour support. after waking up this morning and feeling the same way called telehealth....sounds like its the stomache flu...and she said to prepare for another 3-5 days for it tommove outta my system.
I'm just glad its not something overly concerning to do with surgery. I'm trying to keep up my fluidointake and as important as protein is right now its on the back burner unti can get better andffeel better. so until then water soup and protein shakes wol be my friend
I do wish more healthcare people were aware of gastric bypass though...they seem to have  clue!
Once again thank you!
Monica M.
on 12/26/11 11:07 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
keep us posted, bre. And if you think you're dehydrated (pee is dark yellow), then please go to a hospital and get some iv fluids.

But, please, let us know how you're doing.
on 12/26/11 11:37 am
Thank you so much Monica! I am definitely getting my fluids in right now, and will make sure I am getting enough. At this point I have no signs of dehydration, but I am keeping a VERY close eye on it.
I'm wondering if the pain is a result of being only 1 month post op, and the fact that im still healing...
I will keep you updated...hope I don't have to go through this too much longer!

Thank you again!!
Monica M.
on 12/26/11 11:41 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
You're welcome, Bre.
The pain could likely be just from teh cramps of the diarrhea, they can be quite bad, and perhaps they're just cramping more, because of the recent surgery... Just take care of yourself.
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