at emerg for severe stomach pain; constipation???

Karen W.
on 2/14/12 10:42 pm - Canada
Hi everyone.

I'll preface this with "I don't have a gallbladder" (out 25 years ago)

I spent last night at the hospital emergency dept with severe stomach pain and mild nausea.  The pain started at 3 pm and hasn't completely gone away, regardless of the 2 mg of dilaudid they injected me with.  The meds allowed me to sleep through the pain for a bit, but I'm still feeling it.

I've been having bouts of stomach pain for month, but never so severe or long-lasting.  The longest episode before this was 2 hours.  The nurse at the WMC thought my pain was an ulcer, so gave me ulcer meds (a month ago) and referred me for a scope (still waiting).  They did chest and stomach x-rays last night at emerg and found that I'm severly constipated; they said this might be the cause of the pain.  I have bm's every 2-4 days and this doesn't feel like constipation-related pain.

Has anyone experienced something like this?  Any thoughts?
   RNY April 11, 2011       
(deactivated member)
on 2/14/12 10:59 pm - Toronto, Canada
 I hope they find the source of the pain and get you the treatment that you need.  Sorry that this happening...its sounds awful.  How can you be extremely constipated if you are having a BM every 2-4 days??  Something doesn't sound right.  
on 2/14/12 11:59 pm - Canada
Hope the pain goes away soon and that you feel better. Please keep us updated on what the problem was if they do find out whats wrong.


Referral: January 2010                     Nut/Behav: June 9/2011 1st appt - Dr. Wicklum: March/2010  6th app: Dr. Wicklum: June 16, 2011
2nd appt - Dr. Wicklum: June/10       Education Class: Sept 28, 2011
3rd appt - Dr. Wicklum: Sept 10         Meet the Surgeon: Oct 4, 2011
 4th appt - Dr Wicklum: Jan 2011       Start Optifast: Oct 19th, 2011
Orientastion Class : Feb 2011             Pre-Op: Oct 24th, 2011
5th appt: DR Wicklum: March 2011     Surgery: Nov 9th, 2011

Heaviest Weight; 308 lbs    After Optifast: 288 lbs    Morning of Surgery: 288 lbs     Goal Weight: 160 lbs Current Weight 202 lbs


on 2/15/12 1:00 am - St Thomas, Canada
Lots of people do not fully empty their bowels when they go to the bathroom even every day.
So yes you can be constipated even if you have a BM.

London and Area Support Group Leader
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Joyce J.
on 2/15/12 12:01 am - Scarborough, Canada
Hi there

Hopefully they find the cause and can relieve your pain
Keep us posted

Feel better
Take care

Joyce----Today is the first day of the rest of your life


Karen W.
on 2/15/12 12:51 am - Canada
I spoke with the nurse at my clinic.  She has seen my x-ray from last night, and  doesn't think it's constipation but is ordering me an "oral fleet enema" to relieve any pressure in there. She thinks it may be a bowel issue. So I'm being referred for a CT scan, an ultrasound, and a scope.  I'm feeling quite a bit better, no longer in what I would call pain, more like constant discomfort that is tolerable. I'm on liquids today, liquids and soft food until my tummy feels ok.

Thanks for your concern!

   RNY April 11, 2011       
on 2/15/12 12:59 am - St Thomas, Canada
Is the pain above or below your belly button?
Pain above may be pouch related, pain below is probably bowel or intestinal pain.
I have lots of issues with the below belly button pain and constipation. I saw a GI doc who ordered lots of tests.
My belly blows up like a balloon so I end up literally looking like I'm 8 months pregnant.
I have the constipation mostly under control now thanks to Lax A Day every day and Senokot S once a week or so. But the bloating still happens.
I also know that I am very Lactose Intolerant now.
Message me if you don't want to post on the board.


London and Area Support Group Leader
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Karen W.
on 2/15/12 1:03 am - Canada
The pain is well above the belly button, mostly just below where the ribs meet (OMG, I can find my ribs! lol), sort of behind the diaphragm but also radiates a bit to the sides (mostly the right side).
   RNY April 11, 2011       
on 2/15/12 1:09 am - St Thomas, Canada

Does it go into your back at all? Did they rule out bladder/kidney infection, appendicitis?


London and Area Support Group Leader
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Cammie S.
on 2/15/12 4:54 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 02/27/12

Last Spring I went to Emergency with the same type of pain, thinking maybe there was a problem with my Kidneys.

It turns out that the CT Scan showed I had a broken rib??????

So, have you fallen or bumped into something recently?

Good Luck!

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