
Robin H.
on 2/27/12 11:59 pm - Thunder Bay, Canada
Well i am just over 2 months out well actually i think I am closer to 3 months.  Well just thought I would give a quick update.  I have no clue what my weight is as I still do not own a scale and trust that my rny is doing what it is supposed to as long as I am doing what I am supposed to :)  Well I have gone from a size 30 pant to a size 20 (ok a snug 20 but hey i can do them up)  I see the clinic again at the end of March and will know more.  I continue to work at eating my protien and getting in my fluids.  I must admit not struggling with protien but really have to up my water intake.  I had a bit of a down period the other week but feeling much better just felt very drained and tired but like I said feeling much better this week.  I seem to get the occasional pain on my lower left side from time to time and will be speaking to the clinic about it when I see them next month.  It comes and goes and is tollerable.  I need constant reminders about my vitamins really an area that I seem to forget I am going to post post it notes everywhere to remind me LOL.  I have been hitting the pool usually 3 x a week and last night spent 45 minutes jogging in shallow water...... man could I feel the burn. I usually participate in a neighbourhood walking group on Thursday nights and what once would have been a challenge to keep up is now not an issue and I have no problem going up hill.  I feel good and am looking forward to continuing this journey.

Linda G.
on 2/28/12 12:09 am - Canada
Wow!  You have achieved alot in only 3 months.  Size 18 is just around the corner and you will be able to shop in regular stores.  I'm so envious but thrilled for you.  How's mom doing?  I'm on Day 5 of optifast. 23 days to go. 
referral-July 28, 2011, orientation-September 8, nurse pract-September 13, social worker-September 22, nutrition class-November 1, surgeon appt-November 4,  psych-Jan 11, Catscan-Jan 12, NUT-Jan 20, Endoscopy-Jan 28, Surgeon meeting- Feb 10, Surgery-March 23  Dr. Grantcharov    
Robin H.
on 2/28/12 12:20 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
mom just had her 3 month check up and is doing great she is down about 75 lbs and feeling great she is my side kick in the pool, although she is walking while I am jogging but great to have a partner in this.  It is amazing how much better she can breathe and her improved mobility is amazing I am very proud of her and hope she continues on the same path:)..... as for the size 18 I have a streatch pair of dress pants I picked up a V-V Boutique that were from Ricki's and they fit ...... gotta love streatchy fabrics for an ego boost LOL
on 2/28/12 12:21 am
Robin you really sound like you have things under control. That's awesome. And you are such an exercise diva!
(ME? -not so much!)

Your hard work is paying off!


Robin H.
on 2/28/12 12:32 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Actually have found it to be ME time I put the kids to bed and am out the door at 8pm My goal is to eventually be able to run on dry land.  Not ready to try that just yet, ok abit scared yet.  Actually a bit self conscious but I will get there!  I however nust invest in some supreme under garmets befor I challenge dry land running LOL.

on 2/28/12 12:27 am - Canada
Hi Robin

Sounds like you're doing great - congratualtions on the trousers!  Huge drop.

Vitamins and water were / are my problems too.  Finally solved the vitamins issue when I bought a "Cadex" medical timer watch at Christmas online (+/- $100), which can have up to 12 timer notifications set on it.  I use 7 of them, and am now at a 90% compliance with my vitamin schedule, up from probably about 40%.  My calcium and my iron got way too low because they were the one's I was supposed to take during the day when things got busy, and I missed them the most.  Try not to let this happen if you can because the vitamins are VERY important, and are a challenge to fix if they get off-side.  The watch has worked wonders for me, and actually doesn't look bad - like a sports watch. 

As to the water, it IS tough, but gets easier as you go along.

Keep up the great work!

Robin H.
on 2/28/12 12:50 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
great idea thanks will look into that
Brenda T.
on 2/28/12 12:37 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
Great to hear an update. So thrilled you are doing so well.

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

Robin H.
on 2/28/12 12:50 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Thanks Brenda
Monica M.
on 2/28/12 12:52 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
I use this, which emails me reminders to take my meds, i get the emails on my phone, which is very helpful.

Congrats on keeping up with your exercise. You'll be jogging on dry land before you know it. My doctor actually suggested water jogging, rather than dry land, because its easier on the joints. I don't have access to a pool tho, so i do it on land.

VERY important, tho, to get those vitamins in. VERY VERY VERY.

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