What are you eating/doing today? (Thursday)

Karen W.
on 3/7/12 9:02 pm - Canada
Working on a paper, bloodwork, appt w/ my GP, and off to school until 9 tonight...

Ok, here goes, trying to back off the carbs and get back on track...

B - 2 boiled eggs
S - Greek yogurt, strawberries; 2 x milky decaf tea
L - 1/2 tin tuna, 1/2 ww wrap or RyVita, pickles
S - turkey pepperette, grapes
D - sweet and sour beef stir fry, no noodles/rice etc
S - protein shake

Have a great day, everyone.
   RNY April 11, 2011       
on 3/7/12 9:05 pm - Newmarket, Canada
Good morning!

Today is a bit of a busy day for me. I might go to breakie with a friend (prolly not tho, she's down in the dumps she says and doesn't want to go anywhere).
I am going to bake some ginger oatmeal cookies today I am also going to make some sweet potato soup out of my leftover mashed sweet taters. YUMMY!
It's a great day to rest and sleep the day away, I have to work a midnight shift tonight, YUK!

Not to sure what I am going to eat yet today. I hardly feel like eating. Been that way all week. STRESS sucks! And to think that I used to eat when I was stressed out... Not the case anymore.

protein shakes
cookies (that I have made)
I might have my sweet potato soup at some point
I might make a small pizza for dinner tonight
I think I will make some High protein pudding too today

I will try to get all my liquids in and I will have all my vitamins

I will pack a bunch of foods for my shift tonight but probably just have leftovers from what I eat today

Have a good day everyone

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


on 3/7/12 9:06 pm - Canada
Going to the hairdressers

B - premier shake
L - turkey chili
S - Greek yogurt and berries
D - zucchini, onions and red peppers fritatta 1/6th wedge

Have a good, stay dry kind of day
on 3/7/12 9:30 pm - Canada
Hey Diana - that menu plan sounds like you have a gassy day ahead of you.
Happy tooting!

Stressful day at work - facilitating two webinars, both with complicated setups.

  B - bowl of cereal w 1/2 banana, large coffee
  S - 1% cottage cheese w fresh blackberries & SF raspberry syrup
  L - turkey pepperette, crackers
  S - 1 apple. 21 g cheddar, mint tea
  D - noodles romanoff w beef
1 litre water

Calcium, D3 and multivitamins in. B12 still to go.
on 3/7/12 9:31 pm - Canada
 Rain in the forecast all day I think I rather be in my bed then work ..

B - 100g of greek yogurt with bran buds and blueberries
S - Peperette
L - Left over ribs and green beans
S - Cheese String
D - Bring the girls to McDonalds so probably a salad
S - Almonds after the gym

All water and vits in
Have a good day everyone :)


Referral: January 2010                     Nut/Behav: June 9/2011 1st appt - Dr. Wicklum: March/2010  6th app: Dr. Wicklum: June 16, 2011
2nd appt - Dr. Wicklum: June/10       Education Class: Sept 28, 2011
3rd appt - Dr. Wicklum: Sept 10         Meet the Surgeon: Oct 4, 2011
 4th appt - Dr Wicklum: Jan 2011       Start Optifast: Oct 19th, 2011
Orientastion Class : Feb 2011             Pre-Op: Oct 24th, 2011
5th appt: DR Wicklum: March 2011     Surgery: Nov 9th, 2011

Heaviest Weight; 308 lbs    After Optifast: 288 lbs    Morning of Surgery: 288 lbs     Goal Weight: 160 lbs Current Weight 202 lbs


on 3/7/12 9:38 pm

Morning all

Sorry  you are getting rain today.....hot and sunny here.....and another golf tourney this afternoon....whoo hooo

B - bagel with creme cheese

s - protein shake

l - on course....sandwich from the cart....and I am bringing a bottle of OJ that I will keep with me just in case I get low blood sugar.....

d - out....bits of whatever they are serving

At least 3 - 4 litres of water today plus some coffee - decaf and regular

Have a great one







Karen M.
on 3/7/12 9:44 pm - Mississauga, Canada
"Sorry  you are getting rain today.....hot and sunny here"

I hate you just a little bit right now.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 3/7/12 10:58 pm

Nahhhh....you dont hate me......just think of the extra wrinkles I am getting with the sun and wind...lol






Karen M.
on 3/7/12 11:03 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Good point.

Enjoy the sun. 




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 3/7/12 9:43 pm - Canada
Woke up with low blood sugar this morning after a crazy night of sparing at Karate...so tired!

B - 1c flax and fiber cereal with 2 strawberries
S- The Simply Bar - protein bar
L - soup and turkey wrap
S - 143g Greek yogurt
D - Salmon and veggies
S- ??? Going for birthday dinner for my mother so may get late and no snack required.

Have a great day y'all!

SW 291  GW 199.9 CW 180 Surgery: TWH Dr. Penner Dec 20 2011
Celebrating life and opportunities for new beginings!!!


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