wrong food choices 3 months post

on 3/16/12 11:18 pm - Canada
Life is filled with mountains and valleys. When in a valley just head for higher ground and begin to climb.

If you have a sweet tooth an alternative that may help and even be A great choice for you is something like The Simply Bar. These protein bars are low in calories, low in sugar and high in protein. They are easy to digest and certainly help to subside any cravings for sweets.

Good luck and let us know how it works out!
Head up!

SW 291  GW 199.9 CW 180 Surgery: TWH Dr. Penner Dec 20 2011
Celebrating life and opportunities for new beginings!!!


Karen W.
on 3/16/12 11:32 pm - Canada
Stop being so hard on yourself!

I've had all sorts of so-called "bad" foods, although in small quanities most of the time.  Once I stress-ate 2 of those awful Vachon cakes (damn hubby brought them home); felt awful after but, as I don't dump, I don't have that fear as a deterrent. You might want to look at your emotional eating habits.

It's true that the more carbs you eat, the more you will crave. At least, that's the case for me.  Sometimes people cut them out completely for a week or so to get back on track.  The initial cravings are no fun, but they do go away.  When I'm craving sugar really badly I'll sometimes eat 1/2 a protein bar (sugar-free, of course) and that really helps; Claire from the forum suggested that to me and it's been really helpful. 

Don't worry, if you put your mind to change, you will!
   RNY April 11, 2011       
(deactivated member)
on 3/17/12 2:07 am - Canada
I've found post-surgery I was really craving sweets more. I didn't have a sweet tooth before surgery - I always craved savory carbs. I identified my trigger - coffee. I still enjoy a cup but I make sure it's decaf and I use cream instead of milk. For some bizarre reason that helps cut the cravings.

We all struggle with eating the right foods. Surgery doesn't miraculously change that for a lot if us. I envy those who don't feel hunger or don't have cravings. But I have to learn to deal with what I have. I try and identify triggers and work around them. I no longer stress-eat because I can't but that doesn't mean I've learned better ways to deal with stress. It's something I know I'll have to work on day to day.

Try not to be so hard on yourself. A lot if us are struggling with the same issues.
cherry jam m
on 3/17/12 7:56 am - Canada
Are grapes supposed to be bad for you post op?
on 3/18/12 8:40 am
I know how you are feeling Sarah.. I feel it too..  I'm thankful for the advice you have received, I'll try to remember them too!


now onto living!
Mary A.
on 3/21/12 6:14 am, edited 3/21/12 6:15 am
 ability to realize we have slipped and get back on the bandwagon
sad to say at three years I am struggling with the whole bread issue....for a good 9 months
post-op I couldn't eat a slice of bread, or even a soft tortilla.,
now I do my very best to keep the breadsticks at bay and make a conscious effort to have my hamburgers etc without a bun.

Old habits definatly try to creep back in and from time to time we give in..the success is when you realize the temporary faux pas you have made and get back on the band wagon

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

on 3/21/12 6:37 am - Canada
I just want to say thank you so much for all these amazing replies! Yes I was NOT getting enough Protien. Yes I was not getting enough WATER....Yes I was allowing temptation to beat down on my willpower! YES I was not eating any breakfast (this was a huge one).....But I think I've turned myself around!

I really was very down since I wrote this post and was feeling so guilty. I stepped on the scale the day after I posted it and had gained 2 lbs. With all your responses, amazing feedback and tipping the scale with my first post op gain I said "enough is enough" and cut the bad out and started the good as of Monday morning this week. I

've packed my lunch every day, have been drinking my protein again, drinking way more water, attempting breakfast whole heartedly, staying away from sugar and breads, and stopped eating at night (after 8 pm is killer for me!). So overall, I'm doing the things I should this week, rather than the things I want!

Additionally I had my first official "therapy" session today with the same psychologist that I met through the bariatric program. She has agreed to see me by weekly so we can work on cognitive behavioral therapy to help me identify the issues I am having with anxiety about regain and cravings and then beating myself up for it and to help teach me some of the tools I need for coping moving forward.

I'm feeling good since eating better already only 3 days into it and I know I am making better choices and walking away from the sweets and breads I crave so badly.

I stepped on the scale at the hospital today and I've already lost 1 of the pounds that I'd gained while I frivolously took advantage of my situation thinking the malabsorption from my surgery could help me cheat and I could eat badly. STUPID...so STUPID...but laughable and now I know....I just need to keep on track and stick to the plan and no more taking the road less followed (for now). While I still need to critically follow all the rules that's what I am going to do.

Bad Sarah...bad bad....but better! 

Thanks everyone!

Surgery Date: December 19th 2011
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

on 3/21/12 6:41 am - Canada
Oh and grapes...they're not bad for you....some people have issues with digesting the skins so you have to approach them carefully when trying them post op again.

but they are bad for dogs....most dogs won't eat them because of the texture but they shouldn't eat them anyway.

food for thought is fun thoughts eh? lol


Surgery Date: December 19th 2011
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

on 3/21/12 9:02 am - Canada
Keep your eye on the prize Sarah, get down to your ideal weight before making poor choices!
Spoken from experience!
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