on 5/9/12 7:53 am - Hamilton, Canada
RNY on 05/18/12

I feel so bad-  I am on a modified shift while on OPTI (just don't have energy for nursing)
- so 3-7pm( so grateful). Today I forgot my usual 4pm OPTIFAST - had the bottle and measuringcups n flavouring but not the packet itself as I was distracted by my cat trying to escape so I left it on the table.  I took two tylenols to deal with a hunger headache and caved at 1800 for and chose to eat 1/4 cup of peas and 1 no sugar added applesauce. I figured these were the lesser of evils as 1. I've seen on hear TWH lets you have veggies on OPTI and 2. it was no sugar.

Let me tell you, after two weeks of liquid diet I found myself feeling like eating was foreign (wanted to cry cuz I don't want anything to sabotage****ep reassuring myself- it was one time only and by no means was this voluntary cheating. So MaD at myself.

Did notice that self-talk kicked in as soon as I had the one bite of apple sauce that said - "well why not have anything you want then, while you're at it" - SERIOUSLY my head is my worst enemy.


Thanks for listening to my rant - unsure If I should just skip that opti or try to have two at 2000 (my last shake time)?

Thanks again!


There are risks and costs to a program; but they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. -JFK
on 5/9/12 8:24 am - Canada
 I would just take the one shake. Don't be to hard on your self. You had to have something and you could have made some bad choices but you picked peas. I would have stayed away from the applesauce but can't change that. Maybe you could pack your stuff the night before so you don't forget. Just a thought
Megan M.
on 5/9/12 8:24 am - Canada
Opti can be very challenging for some, and you're not the first, nor will you be the last, to cave under the pressure.  All you can do at this point is pick yourself up and get back on the horse.  No more cheating - its imperative that you follow your centre's direction.  Don't beat yourself up, just don't do it again.  You must do your part in this process.  Stay strong.

Had RNY surgery July 22/11, St. Joe's Hamilton, with the awesome Dr. Scott Gmora.  Had abdominoplasty August 2/13, Scarborough, with equally awesome Dr. Michael Kreidstein.

on 5/9/12 9:10 am
Peas and apples are full of carbs (sugar), and carbs are the worst things you could pick in a pinch. A piece of meat or cheese would have been better (no carbs). The point of optifast if to deprieve your body of the amount of carbs it usually needs to force your body to burn fat to create an alternative fuel called ketones. This process is called ketosis and is what causes your liver to shrink and to lose fat around your internal organs. You don't need the extra shake tonight because you've already made up the calories and carbs with your snack. The only veggies some centres allow are those with no or very few carbs like cucumber and lettuce (no tomato, onion, potato, corn, beans, etc).

That said, I would just stick an extra packet of optifast in a purse of work bag so you won't be without it again.
I had OHIP approved Duodenal Switch surgery with Dr. Dennis Hong at St. Joseph's Hamilton on March 7th, 2012. Want more information on the DS in Ontario? Send me a private message!
Manda M.
on 5/9/12 11:21 am
As someone who went through TWH we weren't allowed to have veggies while on Optifast.  -- My thoughts and experience so far post RNY!!
Elise H.
on 5/9/12 12:25 pm - Canada
RNY on 05/16/12
 On optifast right now and TWH does not allow veggies.

Karen M.
on 5/9/12 10:55 pm - Mississauga, Canada
Know what?  **** happens. We forget to bring stuff. I can really relate to your disappointment in yourself, though. I would have been the same way.  Hell, at least you didn't buy a freakin' burger and fries.  Get back on the wagon - you're almost there. :)

As for your head being your worst enemy - YEP. Exactly right.  It's a struggle, even at 6 years post-op.  Too bad they don't operate on our brains too. lol



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 5/10/12 2:51 am
RNY on 05/16/12
I have two packets of optifast along with a water bottle, tupperware container, and a spoon.  I keep that in my car so I will always have it availible.  I also have some at work, at my parents, at home. 

HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

on 5/10/12 3:11 am - Canada
well what Karen said is true,
You made a mistake, not intended and yes at least you didn't eat a burger or something like that, i think you're choices were not as harmful as others.

I'm sure you'll be fine, but yah, pack  an extra one in your purse just in case. silly cat, it's all his fault.

best of luck
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