Too much weight loss ????

on 7/7/12 6:12 am - Toronto, Canada
PS he grew at least 3 inches of  shall we say ..manhood ..that was a definite plus .Hung like a stallion now ..lolol..I hope he doesnt see this .Ha ha .
on 7/9/12 5:07 am
Well know what they say...Save the horse and RIDE THE go gurl!!!!
on 7/7/12 6:10 am - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
 It is a total mind adjustment.

Madonna, who is my height and older than me, weights 103 lbs.  The lowest range on the weigh****chers recommended is 113 for my height.

At 2 months, assuming you've got more to go, I would not worry about it as your weight loss will slow, but you may need to adjust your expectations from "husky" to "lean".

I would just stay within Weigh****cher's range.

Don't let your wife stop you.  When I lost weight before, all of a sudden my family started saying I was "too skinny" even though I hadn't even hit the TOP of the weigh****chers recommended range yet.  It is all relative, IN THEIR EYES TOO.  Balance your weight against objective expectations.  For me, as you can tell, it's the Weigh****chers ranges, but you can use Health Canada or something.

It's a lot of changes in 2 months and EVERYONE is stressed out.

Lucky you!


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

on 7/7/12 8:12 am - Canada
 I have some worries about getting too skinny.  My BMI is 23.7 at almost 6 months out and I don't want to lose much more than another 10 pounds.  The weight loss is so rapid that its very disorienting.  I feel both pleased and alarmed when I look at myself in pictures and don't even recognize myself.  A worry unique to women...if I keep losing I think I may have no boobs left at all :(

My dietician told me that I need to slow down my weight loss at this point.  I started out with only 100lbs to lose as well and reached that goal at 5 and a half months out.  She recommended raising my calories to 1000 a day (from 800) and eating full fat dairy products and nuts to increase caloric intake without increasing volume since I told her that I felt like I was eating as much as I could at this time.  She also suggested eating a second snack each day.  She reported that bounce back is not inevitable as long as people continue to follow the rules.  I'm not so sure about that since so many RNYers report it.

I'm sure your wife will love and accept you no matter what and give yourself time to adjust to the new you (that continues to be ever changing for the next little while).
Sandy  Surgery Jan.18,2012 with Dr. Timothy Jackson at TWH.
on 7/7/12 9:24 am - Canada
I totally understand where you're coming from Jason.  My expected weight loss as per my surgeon was 70lbs in a year.  I'm 14 weeks out and down 63.  I am nowhere near goal...I'm just surprised that I have gotten so close to my expected weight loss so quickly.  I keep expecting things to slow down, and they did for 2 weeks...for those 2 weeks I lost 2lbs...then this week I'm down 8.  I'm sure it will all level out eventually :)
on 7/7/12 11:59 am - Canada
 LOL @ poppy1  im sure marraige counciling wasnt the only thing that got you through, looool. u go girl! .


on 7/7/12 2:57 pm - Hamilton, Canada
 Wow sometime the mind is not ready for the change or to change a long with you yet. If you doing the right thins and following the book, your body will tell you when to change path. It seem that you doing a great job, take care.

Surgery date May 7 / 2012
Highest 312 lbs - Pre Op 297lbs - now 199 lbs
I know now that my location was never my destination.



Onward and

on 7/8/12 8:06 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12
I like big guys too, and find my husband quite attractive, and he's considerably overweight.  However, if he lost a lot of weight, I would still find him attractive.  It's him I love, not his body, even though I do tend to be attracted to bigger guys.  I think part of me also likes bigger guys because it makes me feel more secure about being bigger myself, so really, it's about me, not him.

Don't worry - this is a time of huge change for you, and your wife might just be alarmed at such a huge and quick drop in such a short period of time.  It's unsettling to see someone you love change so quickly, I'm sure!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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