Realigned my goal.

on 9/15/12 6:23 am - Canada
I have reset my goal.  I am now aiming for a BMI which is considered "normal" for someone of my height.  I am wearing a size 9/10 on the bottom and a M-L on top, which looks good on me at this time.  My doctor thought that I looked good yesterday and suggested that I not get too thin, as I would look unhealthy, and actually might get unhealthy.  So, as I feel really great even now, I have listened to him, and for now, have moved my goal ticker to 159, which puts me at 24.9 BMI.  If my body wants to get smaller after that, I will let it, but I am being mindful of my health, not focussing only on my desire to be skinny. 
Thanks for letting me share.
(deactivated member)
on 9/15/12 6:47 am - Straford, Canada
 Congrats!  Feeling great is wonderful!   
on 9/15/12 6:53 am - Canada
Indeed it is Ian!
on 9/15/12 6:51 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
Congrats. Most of us did this for our health so you are wise to lissen to your body. Besides it sounds like you look great





on 9/15/12 6:54 am - Canada
Thank you Patm,
I know that looking great is an excellent motivator, but keeping mentally healthy is too.  I don't want to be unhealthy in any way, shape or form anymore. 
on 9/15/12 7:11 am - Richmond Hill, Canada
RNY on 06/22/12
Sounds reasonable.

Do you know what the weight would be at 18 (border to too thin) so you know how much cushion you have?


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt    

on 9/15/12 7:29 am - Canada
Hi ShallowGirl,
I am not really interested in getting too thin, but, seriously, if I lost 30 more pounds like I originally intended, I would be visually too thin...even if the BMI was within normal range.  I carry my weight well, and do intend to get a breast reduction in the summer, so there will be "cushion" room there...
if you know what I mean ;)
on 9/15/12 7:37 am - Canada
 It isn't all that easy to stop the weight loss, in my opinion.  I wanted to be 170 and as of today I am 148.  I'm eating between 1350 and 1500 cals a day, but I'm still losing weight.  I don't exercise alot, but I do walk alot as a general rule.  I'm just letting you know this because its not like we have total control over how much weight we lose.  good luck getting to exactly the weight you want and no less.
Sandy  Surgery Jan.18,2012 with Dr. Timothy Jackson at TWH.
on 9/15/12 8:04 am - Athens, Canada
Sounds like you've accomplished what you intended; healthy and happier. Congratulations on not falling into the "skinny" trap.  I think sometimes it's easy to switch one poor body image for another.

I agree with Sandy that the switch to maintenance is a challenge - finding the right mix of calories, exercise to stay within that sweet range as opposed to continuing to lose. It's just the next challenge in the journey.

All the best.  Muriel

  "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." -Robert Collier
Join Kingston Ontario WLS Support Group - Online @ OH 

  HW: 267         SW: 248       GW:155       LW: 132      CW: 143-148      

on 9/15/12 9:30 am
Great goal...I wasn't told either what my goal should be so when I started I did the BMI calculation for my height and at 155! i would hit right on the "normal" even though I don't think the BMI calculator is accurate at all..IMO I'm still aiming for it and we'll see, I might have to re-evaluate because I'm scared I'll be too thin, especially once I remove all the excess skin next year be

Well done on your achievements so far, you are doing fabulous!


    ~Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you really wanted!~    

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