Stuck Feeling Question - it's been 12hrs now

on 5/17/13 12:05 pm - Canada
RNY on 04/26/13

I'm not sure what the cause was...either progressing from puree to soft too fast (although it was on tiny bite chewed well) or the pureed turkey the night prior (which didn't agree with me 2 days ago)? Today I threw up the one bite I tried this morning and 1.5hrs later, I had half a banana and up it came.  The whole time I'm feeling that blocked odd feeling and even have a bit of pressure in my left upper shoulder (which I had before with this feeling).  I waited until 1pm and tried one spoon of SF pudding and up it came.  5pm one more attempt at the pudding again (tiny try).  Water/drinks won't even stay in (or I don't think so).  Now when I say throwing up, it's not immediate and I can sort of create it to bring relief to the feeling in my chest/tummy.  I've read up on a bunch of posts and Papaya Enzyme was mentioned as a natural aid to help digestion so I raced out and bought it.  2 tabs later (chewable of course) and not much change.  How long do I let this go on before I do something (given the timing SUCKS because it's a long weekend).  I'm from Kingston and they generally frown upon any scope procedures so I'd be looking at travelling to Ottawa.  What's normal?  Other than drinks, I'm done trying to get any pureed food into me.  I feel annoyed and a bit worried but well enough, no rush to emerg necessary BUT if liquids remain an issue, I know I'll be faced with a touch deicision.

on 5/17/13 9:42 pm - Peterborough, Canada

Sounds like a stricture to me-I would definitely get it checked out.  Good luck.


on 5/17/13 10:01 pm
RNY on 01/28/13
I'm from kingston too and the NP said they do scopes and dilations here so you probably won't need to travel - good luck!

Kingston RATC Referral March 4, 2012 - Sleep study August 20th, 2012 - RNY January 28 2013 with Dr Hagen at HRRH 

Starting Weight:  354           Surgery Weight:  334        



on 5/17/13 11:15 pm - Belleville , Canada
RNY on 04/04/13

Please do not allow this to go on any Kristine or your surgical site (ottawa or toronto) Get this checked. If something is wrong u do not want it to linger or cause any damage. U risk being dehydrated as well. Good luck and please call, better to be safe and have it checked than be sorry later. 

Arlene enlightened

Referred June 26, 2012, Orientation Nov 7, Nurse Nov 19. Dietician and Psychologist Nov 21, Dietician #2 Jan 4, 2013, Final Nurse Jan 24, Meet surgeon Feb 20th, Pre Surgical class Mar 6th, Dr Glazier March 7, PATTS March 7, Surgery April 4th !!!!!


on 5/17/13 11:17 pm - Canada
RNY on 04/26/13
But since its the weekend, isn't Emerg the only option? I didn't think calling Ottawa would work since thats a 9-5 Mon to Fri clinic?
on 5/18/13 1:58 am - Belleville , Canada
RNY on 04/04/13

if you had your surgery in ottawa go to emerg there. they can contact ur surgeon and bariatric team. Or go to emerg in kingston, at least they will know what to do with you, and they can get ahold of Kristine or doc drocsher (i think thats his name). I wouldn't leave this too long without seeking help. At least for your own comfort....please go. Do you have someone to take you? 

Arlene enlightened

Referred June 26, 2012, Orientation Nov 7, Nurse Nov 19. Dietician and Psychologist Nov 21, Dietician #2 Jan 4, 2013, Final Nurse Jan 24, Meet surgeon Feb 20th, Pre Surgical class Mar 6th, Dr Glazier March 7, PATTS March 7, Surgery April 4th !!!!!


on 5/17/13 11:32 pm - Kitchener, ON, Canada
RNY on 03/08/13

You will have to listen to your body and make a judgement around your safety.   If you are just uncomfortable but not in pain then you could hold out until clinic is open.  On the other hand making the trek to Ottawa emerg might give you piece of mind and get the ball rolling on resolution.     I think only you can decide.  I know tough choice- hang in there for a few days or go sit in emerg for hours.  Not sure of your discomfort and pain levels.    Your health is not something to fool around.  I would presume Ottawa has access to Bariatric surgeons there too for consulting with.  Good luck. Let us know the outcome


HW: 305   SW: 272  CW: 155  Height: 5'4"



Marny B.
on 5/18/13 12:12 am, edited 5/18/13 12:14 am - Canada
Really sounds like a stricture to me. If you are near a hospital with a barriatric centre, they should have a surgeon on call. Get it taken care of right away. Might be worth the trip to Ottawa. Tuesday is a long ways away to get it looked at.

Referral Sent:  March 19, 2010
Surgery date with Dr. Denis Hong: December 9, 2010


on 5/18/13 2:15 am - Canada
RNY on 04/26/13
Update...water and Premier Protein (from Costco) is staying in so far. I'm not sure that I'm going to try anything other than liquid today. So no emerg just yet but thanks for the advice. I probably would have gone Ottawa way (I trust them more) if the liquid was still an issue. Fingers crossed
on 5/18/13 4:55 am - Toronto, Canada

Definitely sounds exactly like what I've been going through - a stricture. And you've made the right call in the sense that, as long as you're getting fluids in, you're generally all right to wait until the clinic is open. If at anytime that changes and you aren't able to keep fluids down, I would suggest its worth the drive to Ottawa.

Don't worry that you're over-reacting - you're not. This can turn into a serious problem, so keep an eye on it and you'll be ok. Also, if it makes you feel better, call TeleHealth and speak to one of their nurses.

Hope the liquids stay down and you can emjoy some of the long weekend. Cheers!



Highest weight: 428lbs Dec/12: RNY surgery at HRRH March 18/13. Current Weight: 315lbs

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