Today I'm three months post-op

on 6/5/15 5:38 am - Canada

So, three months post-op is a mini milestone with my clinic (Guelph) because I can introduce some new foods... Raw veggies, nuts, seeds, and apples. I am so looking forward to not having to cook all the vegetables. Also, I'm about 12 pounds away from my clinics goal weight. 

I've had a few minor issues since surgery (syncope, low blood pressure, constipation, etc.), but overall I feel great. I go for walks with the puppy, go to the gym, and just feel like doing more in general. Oh, and I'm starting to love clothing shopping a little too much :)

I threw my back out last week, which set me back a bit -- the nurse at the clinic said I couldn't be spending days laying on the couch... But I'm up and moving now :) my family doc said I would heal much faster with so much less weight to carry around.

In terms of little victories, it is much easier to get in the car, my headaches seem gone, I can fit my arms through the handles of those reusable bags, I can walk forever, and every time I do laundry I have to pack away clothes that are too big.

Happy Friday!!


on 6/5/15 6:37 am - Arnprior, Canada

Sounds like you've had some great NSVs already, and there are more to come!  Congrats!

Oh, and a bit of advice, make sure you chew the raw food really well.  I get caught once in a while with not doing that, and my belly tells me so.



on 6/5/15 7:58 am - Canada

Did you find you had pain or vomiting when you didn't chew well enough? I haven't been sick yet, and I don't want to start now :)

on 6/5/15 8:36 am - Arnprior, Canada

I do get pain when I don't chew raw food well. 

I usually only vomit when I eat too much, too fast or something that I didn't realize was too fatty/sweet.


on 6/5/15 7:54 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

The shopping can be addictive. I am on a self imposed no shopping at the moment.

Congratulations on all your victories. Keep up the great work





on 6/5/15 7:57 am - Canada

Thankfully my aunts have both given me big bags of clothes lately, so I should be good for a couple weeks now. I have learned the hard way that I need to try things on frequently or they quickly become too big :)

on 6/5/15 7:59 am - Canada
RNY on 08/14/15

Congrats on all your success thus far!  There's nowhere to go but up!  I'm super happy for you 

Ref. Apr 30/14, Orientation HRRH Aug 25/14, Transfer to TWH Oct 21/14, Sleep Study Nov 20/14, SW Nov 28/14, Nut. Class Dec 8/14, NP Dec 15/14, Psych. Jan 13/15, Nut. Jan 15/15, CPAP Titra Jan 16/15, NP F/U Jan 19/15, NP F/U2 Feb 24/15, NP F/U3 Mar 24/15, Surgeon May 29/15, Opti July 25/15, Pre-Op July 30/15, Surgery Aug 14/15

on 6/5/15 8:12 am - Ottawa, Canada

Congratulations!  You've come so far already!  Enjoy the rest of your journey. :)



on 6/5/15 5:50 pm - Canada

So much to be proud of indeed. Just one concern, you are 3 months out and only 12 pounds from goal, which is awesome, but if I read correctly that would mean a 90 pound plus loss in that short of time?  Is my math wrong?  If so, are your doctors concerned that the weight loss is too fast?  I am 4 months out and 75 pounds down and have been told to increase food intake and decrease exercise as due to some complications I am not able to get enough calories in and if you lose too fast, they said, that I would be burning muscle instead of fat.

on 6/5/15 11:12 am, edited 6/5/15 11:35 am - Canada

Hello Bubbosmama 

Yes, I have lost about 90 pounds, but 10 was before joining the clinic, and another 20 was pre-op between following the diet and optifast. I have lost about 60 in the three months post op. I had an appointment at around 10 weeks where I was down 50 and they were very happy. They didn't give any indication that I was losing too quickly... Hopefully everything is on track because I don't have to go bac****il September.


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