Gallbladder attack??

on 10/3/16 3:55 pm - Canada

I heard after wls it's common to have gallbladder problems.. Last Monday about 30 mins after lunch which I had Greek yogurt that I have almost everyday I was in so much pain started in middle of breast bone then going through my back felt like someone was stabbing I had to go to the office and sit down for while I was bend over in pain.. I never dumped so I thought i was just dumping. But last night 30 mins after dinner I had 3 meat balls I had them few times that week.. Once again I felt pain right above my stomach then going through to my back between my shoulders blades.. both episodes lasted about 30 mins phew.. After last night episode I got thinking I don't think I dump on Monday got me thinking it might be my gallbladder.. If it might be gallbladder attack should I call surgeon office and let them know or wait it out until I see him next month?? 

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

White Dove
on 10/3/16 5:40 pm - Warren, OH

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on 10/4/16 8:52 am - Halton Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/25/17

I had a gallbladder attack many years ago.   I had lost 80lbs doing Bernstein and after stopping the program,  i had an attack.  Afterwards I read it's quite common to have problems when having a very low calorie intake for a period of time.  

Lucky for me, tests showed I had "sludge and gravel" not actual stones yet.   I had a couple more "mild" attacks that were uncomfortable, but nothing like that first one.   After that, I had none.  I'm not sure what changed.  Nurse told me it wa**** or miss.  The gallbladder releases bile in a reaction to eating fat.  If the bile was released at the same moment the sludge had the hole blocked, then the pain.  The sludge moves around, so sometimes its blocked, sometimes its not.  If you get stones, they are bigger and more likely to block more often.

What you have described sounds exactly like what I experienced.   The pain felt like someone had taken a dagger to my ribs.  You need to get to emergency if you experience this kind of pain.  No telling how long it will last.  Not sure about after WLS (I'm still pre-op), but when I went to emerg they gave me a drink that stopped the pain almost instantly.

on 10/5/16 6:31 am - Arnprior, Canada

Call your clinic and at least talk to a nurse.  They may want you to go for an ultrasound.  That's how they determine what's going on.  If you have big stones, not a problem, but if you have little stones it blocks the ducts.  Or it may not be that far along.

I had my gallbladder out before WLS, but it was after losing a lot due to giving birth.  It felt like someone thrust a sword through my back an through me.  It was a nurse that recognized the symptoms.  Yours doesn't seem to be lasting, but it does need to be addressed.  They'll decide whether to monitor it, or where to go from here.


on 10/5/16 8:32 am - Canada

Thanks for ur replies, I have my 6 month check up with Humber next week I ask the nurse then.. the attacks wasn't long at all phew 30 mins of  intense pain after that it was manageable but the next day I was sore and tender.. I see the surgeon in couple weeks.. he didn't want to do the gallbladder at the same time as bypass because I wasn't having attacks and he also said it's too hard on u to do them together said it will be easier later on when the weight is off.. I just hoping this is the end of  it for while. 

Referral received at hrrh Nov6/14, orientation March23/15, surgery April 11/16

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