
I'm losing it!!! need help

on 4/27/11 3:20 am
 I am only 4 months out of having band surgery.  I have not one bit of motivation anymore.  I need to get back on track soon.  the only difference of my eating right now is that my food sometimes gets stuck and it remindes me to eat small and slow which is a good thing.  Feeling full does not happen at all.  I did experience throwing up after I ate some chinese food.  Which also was good because now I know that I can not tolerate that anymore.  I am in this Funk now and need to get out fast.  I just don't feel like doing anything.  I did exercise and was feeling great but now I stopped!  I don't know if it's just depression, kids, stress, money,  LIFE!  sorry to whine and I know I am.  It's me and I have no excuses.  Just venting !!!!!  Thank you friends.
on 4/27/11 4:41 am

  I don't know how you feel in regards to surgery because I have not had my procedure yet.  I do know how it feels to not be motivated and to be stressed with the daily grind of life.  I want you to remember why you decided to make your lifestyle change in the first place.  I has spoken with others who had the surgery and they say it is the best thing they could have done.  I am sure you must have felt that as well.  Remember that feeling.  Remember that slips occur that my detour you but get back on the right road in your journey.  I attended a support group last night(my first) and it was wonderful to hear others stories and struggles.  If you are not a part of one, find one and go to the meetings.  I can't wait to go back.  Prayer helps me get through difficult times.  Try praying and asking for the motivation.  I encourage you to get back on track and continue.  Good luck. 

Tom C.
on 4/27/11 9:24 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ



First of all, never APOLOGIZE for venting. That’s what we are here!! If you can’t talk (complain) to folks who know what you’re going through, then who can you talk to.


I have a few questions: (1) Have you had a fill yet (2) Are you following all the rules (3) are you eating enough (4) are you getting in all the protein you’re suppose to (5) are you drinking the amount of liquid you’re suppose to (6) are you talking your vitamins? Ok .. that’s enough for now.


Here is some tough love .. Yesterday is over and done with. There is nothing we can do about it. Tomorrow is NOW, and it’s time to get yourself back on track.

I admire you admit you’re in a funk, and need help. How many times in the past you DID do this?


You need to realize you are stronger than any craving or any food. You need to stop and reflect and be proud of all you have accomplished and call upon your strength. How do I know you have strength? Because it took strength to admit you wanted to regain control of your life; it took strength to have the operation; it took strength to make you lose weight; it took strength to realize you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing; and it took strength to ask for help.


Remember this isn’t a diet plan; it’s a way of life. So slips, stumbles and falls will occur. What we do when this happens is truly important. You need to get yourself up, dust yourself off, and get yourself to continue down the road to success.


What you first need to do is ask yourself “Where did I come from" .. then ask yourself “Why did I do this operation" – basically the answer is because it’s a last resort.


GET BACK TO THE BASICS !! I tell everyone that. Pretend today was day one of the operation and go back to a strict liquid diet. Do this for a few days (maybe a week), then go onto the next stage of soft food then finally regular food. What you are doing it is detoxing your body of the sugars and bad carbs. When you find yourself hungry – eat .. but SENSIBLE foods. Make sure you also follow all the rules.


You need to go back and follow the rules that made you successful. You need to have the 64 ounces of NON-CARBONATE/DECAFFEINATED liquid. You need to have your 60 to 80 grams of protein. You need to make sure you don’t drink 30 minutes before/after or during your meal. 


What you need to remember is they put the band around your stomach, and not around your brain. You will need to use some self control when it comes to food. If you are hungry stop and ask yourself is this real hunger or head hunger. Asking that alone will probably be an indication it’s head hunger, so you know what to do. Get busy doing something else. If that doesn’t work, EAT – but SOMETHING HEALTHY. Have some salad; vegetables, PROTEIN, etc.


You need to get to support groups. Look on line to find ones around you. You need to discuss this with your Doctor. That’s why he’s there. If you feel you’re not getting the support from him, then you need to go to another Doctor. Remember you are the client/consumer. If you’re paying for a service, you want the best service for that money. If not, move on. You are worth THE BEST because YOU ARE THE BEST !!


REMEMBER what it took to make you successful. YOU CAN DO IT !! And know I am here if you need me.


Now – get off your a$$ – stop making excuses – and (sorry Nike) JUST DO IT !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 4/28/11 11:02 am - RI
VSG on 07/10/12
You'll be fine. Just pick yourself up and go out for a walk. Get an extra pair of sneakers for work, and get out of the office for some air a few times a week. It can work miracles. Nothing's going to happen overnight, so just take it slowly.
Maybe joining WW may help you keep on track.
Good luck!
Amy B.
on 4/28/11 10:51 pm
 You can definitely do this!!! Have you called your doctor and expressed these concerns? If you were doing better and now feel depressed, it truly may be something chemical. After my surgery, I was able to get rid of most of my pills, but I still take my anti-anxiety and mood stabilizer!! Those are two I cannot do without no matter how much weight I lose. I think a surgeon call is in order. Keep us posted!
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