
Reflux Solved

Denise R.
on 10/13/11 2:40 am - Manchester, NH
I have been suffering with reflux since June when my surgeon removed all the fluid from my band leaving 3.5 cc that couldn't be pull out. The reflux didn't go away. I went on a PPI twice a day, took Carafate four times a day and antacids as often as possible. My reflux was certainly affected by stress and my surgeon was starting to discuss removing my band. Talk about strees. I do not want to have the band removed. I love my band it has helped me lose 82 pounds and even when it was empty it still helped me because if I ate a wrong food or too fast it told me. I kept my weight off with hard work and exercise. All summer I've been trying everything I could think of to resolve the reflux and after removing anything I thought offensive from my diet I tried adding them back one at a time and when I drank a hot chocolate and could breath fire for 48 hours I knew the culprit. Chocolate and with chocolate comes caffine. So being off both of these now leaves me with very little reflux and Dr. Catania added 1 cc back to my band and we'll see how that goes for the next 6 weeks. I am so happy to have it resolved and feel so much better that it looks like I can keep my band.
on 10/13/11 3:07 pm - Vancouver, WA
Sometimes we over look the simplest cures! I'm glad you took the time to experiment and find the culprit, wishing you more success in the future!
Tom C.
on 10/14/11 4:31 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Thanks for sharing your experience. I know this will be helpful to many.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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