How do YOU measure success?

on 3/25/11 12:14 am - MN
I'm on a new that doesn't involve numbers (ie; weight). 
This time I am going to measure my success in other ways such as, health improvements, physical energy, etc...
What are some ways that YOU measure success?
"What the caterpillar thought was the end of life, the butterfly realized was just the beginning!"

Pam T.
on 3/25/11 12:19 am - Saginaw, MI
I lead a support group meeting at my surgeon's office about "How to Measure Success without the Scale."  -- I created a checklist to complete each week that looks at each area of your life and what you're doing for your heealth so you can take a snapshot of the big picture rather than being hyper-focused on the number on a scale. Yes, weight is part of the picture, but it's not the whole picture. 

You can read about the lesson and download the checklist on my blog l

Here are the areas it covers:

Activity Level

  • Number of workouts this week
  • Level of intensity of those workouts
  • How active where you overall 
Nutrient & Caloric Intake
  • Was your eating on track at least 90% of the time?
  • Did you drink 64oz of water each day?
  • Did you take all your vitamins and supplements?
Size and Shape
  • Clothing - is it looser or tighter this week?
  • Measurements - did your lose or gain inches?
  • Weight - what'd the scale say?
Emotional and Spiritual Health
  • Did I work on the mental stuff this week?
  • Did I play this week?
  • Did I pamper myself?
Wow's and Challenges
  • What Wow Moments, triumphs or goals am I celebrating this week?
  • What challenges did I face this week?

My Success Score

  • Devise your own scoring method and rate your success for this week

My Recipe Index is packed full of yumminess!
Visit my blog: Journey to a Healthier Me  ...or my Website

The scale can measure the weight of my body but never my worth as a woman. ~Lysa TerKeurst author of Made to Crave


on 3/25/11 12:23 am - MN
Thanks for the response! The information is awesome!
I love the quote you have as your signature.
Thanks again
"What the caterpillar thought was the end of life, the butterfly realized was just the beginning!"

(deactivated member)
on 3/25/11 12:19 am - TX
I try to measure success by the way I feel more than anything. I had a time period two summers ago where I had lost forty pounds, was in great shape physically, and felt so well. Truthfully, I was only one size smaller then than I am now, but I felt happy and thin, even at 215 lbs.
on 3/25/11 12:24 am - MN
I agree with you.  I would rather gauge my success by how I feel rather than what a number tells me.  Thanks for sharing
"What the caterpillar thought was the end of life, the butterfly realized was just the beginning!"

on 3/25/11 12:24 am
 I have measured my success by weight loss and dress sizes getting lower. I have also measured it in other ways. I see how much less medication I need now versus prior to my surgery. I no longer need medication for headaches daily. I used to medication to help stop me from getting headaches. Now, I just take pain meds as needed for headaches and not very often. I took lots of asthma medications on a daily basis. Now, I only have an emergency inhaler. I have used it once since my surgery and I was sick and needed it to open up my air ways. I no longer get out of breath climbing the stairs! I have stopped taking medications for high blood pressure and my blood pressure is now normal. My depression has also become less. I have way more energery that before surgery. Pre-op I would sleep probably ten hours a night and then take a nap during the day. As a post-op, I sleep for the most eight hours a night and usually less. I don't need naps anymore. I can do more and have more energy and just generally feel good about myself. This summer, I plan to measure my success by going to an amussment park. Not only will I be able to fit into the seat on rollercoasters, but I will also have the energy to walk around the park all day and won't get all out of breath walking up the hills or even the stairs to get to some rides! 
on 3/25/11 12:28 am - MN
Wow, you are right...medication reduction is such an important gauge
for success.
"What the caterpillar thought was the end of life, the butterfly realized was just the beginning!"

on 3/25/11 12:44 am - Lebanon, OH
It's when you wake up comfortable with who you are and feel able to do ANYTHING you want! When you throw the scale away and realize it's numbers mean nothing!
    No longer about weight , it's all about living.            
on 3/25/11 2:36 am - MN
Great quote on your signature.
"What the caterpillar thought was the end of life, the butterfly realized was just the beginning!"

on 3/25/11 1:45 am
I document my NSVs as well as my weight. There may be times that the scale doesn't move but the NSVs happen every single day when I don't take medication, don't have to choose between breathing and tying my shoes, and don't have to think twice about running up the stairs.
Start weight 263     Surgery weight 247  
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