preop diet starts tuesday

on 3/25/11 12:38 pm
my preop diet starts tuesday the 29th...14 days -- very nervous. not really sure why. i've dieted before for months at a time and have been fine. except durings diets occasionally i would cheat a little on a day and i know i can't do that on it really as bad as it seems to those who have done the pre op diet?? it's not a liquid diet i can have 3 meals a day 3oz of protein 8oz of vegetables...or i can replace any of the meals with protein shakes but i can have unlimited sf jello and sf pudding. the day before is a full liquid diet though which i probably won't be hungry anyway.
on 3/25/11 2:03 pm - PA
I don't have to do this just the full liquids the day before. I think since it is not a full liquid for the 2 wks it maybe easier? I'm not sure. 

You can do this!
 Come visit me on my blog 
  Start weight 282, Surgery weight 265, Current weight 131, Goal weight 140 

  A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.  Eleanor Roosevelt

(deactivated member)
on 3/25/11 2:14 pm - Boston, MA
 You will do fine!  Mine was 2 shakes 1 4oz protein 1 cup veggies and it was really easy and I lost 25 lbs.. I was pretty hungry the 3rd day but other than that I was fine!  good luck
Amy T.
on 3/25/11 2:25 pm - CA
You will be fine!  I just started mine yesterday, and have lost 6 pounds so far!  Its really not that bad.  The way I'm looking at it is that this is preparing me for my future diet.  I have also replaced one meal a day with a protien shake.  Will move on to 2 meals replaced next week.

You can do this!  I haven't been hungry yet.  When I feel that I want to eat something,  I take a walk around the block instead.  Im trying to replace an unhealthy habit with a healthy choice instead.

Good luck!!!

I am ready to be an active participant in my life rather than a spectator...  

Grace M.
on 3/25/11 3:44 pm - Fort Hood, TX
Hey girl i am worried also i have 2 full weeks on only liquid diet.. and the day before only clear liquid..  I am trying to find a good protien shake only thing i have found is Isopure I can drink that down with no problem but the shakes are reallly hard for me. Good luck congrats on surgery

HW 375/ SW 311/ CW 242/ GW 150

on 3/25/11 9:57 pm - KS
Just had surgery on the 21st.  I had to do the 2 week liquid diet prior to surgery with my only solid being SF jello.  It was hard but exciting the first few days.  I started on Monday but by Saturday I hit my mental breaking point had a good 20 minute cry over the phone with my mom.  After that it was all much easier to take.

I told the staff at the clinic I work at that I would be doing this diet and they all said they were going to help me.  Well, they had junk food everywhere the whole two weeks.  The temptations that came from work were the hardest. 

Good Luck!
on 3/25/11 10:15 pm - kalamazoo, MI
I am also on a full liquid diet for 14 days. I am on day 5 today and it seems to be getting much easier! The 1st 2-3 days we're very hard for me as I so badly considered cheating but so far I have hung on. I was suppose to be getting in 6 11oz portein drinks a day but after talking with my surgeon he told me just to get in as many of the 6 as I could and if it's not 6 thats fine. That was a huge relief to me as 6 was just way to much! Anyways good luck popsicles and straining the broth from chicken noodle soup has been my lifesaver!

Best wishes!!

RNY set for 4-5-11
on 3/25/11 11:23 pm
I am on day 11 of my all liquid diet.  I am down 15 lbs.  I have to say  that it really has not been that bad.  Coming off the diet coke was the worst part but once I was over that, It was all good. Now I am not going to say I dont miss food, because I certainly do.  I went to get my hair cut last night and it is near one of my fav asian restaurants and I stood in the parking lot for 5 minutes just smelling the air!  Then I came home and had a cup of chicken broth and a suger free popsicle. My Dr showed me a clip of the surgery on his iphone b/c i was concerned about the bleeding due to a blood disorder I have, and I saw how they have to lift the liver off the stomach to work, and the flatter the liver the more room they have to work.  That was pretty motivating to keep my from straying from the plan. Good Luck!
on 3/26/11 1:44 am - PA
I only have to have a clear liquid diet the day before surgery (surgery date is 4/11/11) and nothing after midnight.  I recently had to do a clear liquid diet and a "clean out" for a colonoscopy.  Glad I don't have to do a liquid diet for an entire week.  Good luck, I know you will do it.  Think of the reward at the end of the 2 weeks.
on 3/26/11 1:49 am - Pueblo, CO
Im on a clear liquid diet for 3 days before surgery.  Today is day one.  Surgery is Tuesday.  Im already starving and I just woke up!  Its rough but from what Ive read this is the hardest part about the whole thing.
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