Curious? About what to eat......

Lori P.
on 4/17/11 10:57 am - Kenosha, WI
9 days...that stinks!!!!  When we are without power we also have no running that means no shower or toilet flushng....we would have been at a hotel by day 2!

 Beef jerky is a great idea.   I also like the little beef sticks and summer sausage.  They don't all need cooling.


     SW 212 / Goal 130 / Current 130



Tracy M.
on 4/17/11 11:09 am - KY
Yeah, those would be good choices too I think...I will have to check into getting some of that stuff to keep in my car for when I am out. I do not eat out anymore...I am afraid of ruining my weightloss and I can't seem to find any good choices at most places...That will be good to have along in case I need some protein and can't seem to find anything...Thanks for that idea....


Highest known weight- 512
Surgery weight-425
Current Weight- 260
on 4/17/11 12:04 pm
     Glad you are safe.!...the storms went just south of where I am in Tennessee.     Do you have a storm shelter?  
        This would be a good place to store  a few boxes of food for emergency use, just rotate them every  6 months for canned foods.
        Crackers and such need to be rotated every  3 months.
          Water if bought sealed is good for a year. You can put your own in 2 liter soda bottles and  it will keep in storm shelter for  9months to one year...esp if your water has chlorine in it..
      . Make sure you place your food boxes up off the floor, on a plank, so they don't sweat and rust...You can buy a five gallon bucket at home depo for  about 3$ with a lid ...that will store  enough food for a family for several days...and it be safe from mice or  other sure to include a can opener.There are Five gallon  water bags, bottles available in the camping dept in Wal mart, If you keep extra supplies in the storm shelter and rotate  you'll be prepared the next time we get a system thru..'s a few......peanut butter...crackers     protein bars,
       protein shakes that can be made with water.  
          bottled water @ least a gallon per day.
          canned meats of all kinds...chicken ham, turkey, tuna..
        .and small units of mayo ( I use fat free or lite)
           or other condiments to flavor, give taste to foods commonly available.
      Have you tried toasting bread..? sometimes it is too packy, but sometimes it is the oils or milk in it.... sometimes I tolerate toast better than a sandwich ..and I like the  healthy life bread, it has 40 calories per slice and  2 slices are a comes in  wheat, whole grain and white...I use one slice for a peanut butter half for a good snack...I didn't handle bread  well at first either... Hpore this helps   sweetpotato
on 4/17/11 12:25 pm - Sanford, NC
Yes! I am happy that we are safe too.  The Natorious Lowes in Sanford that has been all over the news is about 5 mins from my house. Storm****  around me in every direction, and I was lucky to have only lost power.  I appreciate everyone's input on this. Pre surgery it would have been a no brainer (I grew up in the mountains where it snows all of the time and I am  no stranger to power outages) But I didn;t really ever think of stocking my pantry  for WLS freindly items that do not need to be iced.
I now know and thanks to everyones help I wont be stranded again without something to eat.
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