Water on a new pouch

on 4/22/11 6:54 pm - TN
 I'm noticing a bit of an issue when sipping my water. I AM sipping, not gulping, little sips at a time with several minutes in between sips and yet it still feels almost as if it gets stuck half way down, and then eventually goes all the way down. And I feel a little off after I'm done drinking too, not quite nausea but just weird, hard to explain it. The cream of chicken soup and sf puddings ha vent been bothering me any, nor the protein shake. Anyone else had issues with water? And Ive tried ice cold to room temp too, makes no difference though. I just had surgery on the 19th also....and I seem to belch more after drinking too...
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 4/22/11 11:20 pm - OH
Even a quick scan or search of this forum will show you that MANY people have problems with water making them queasy (or even causing pain) right after surgery.  For most people it passes within a few months.  Some people do better with cold water, others do better with warm water, and for yet others ANY kind of water is a problem.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Lady Lithia
on 4/23/11 3:53 am
I sometimes forget how evil water is...

I'll have a couple ounces each day (to make room in my water bottle for the protein powder) but sometimes I'll drink a little more than two ounces. A few minutes later I will feel sick and wonder "why do I feel sick?" and then I remember.... OH.... I just had water

Wi**** wasn't so. I like pure water. It just doesn't like me.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 4/23/11 12:01 am
Hasn't happened to me but I did notice more belching after drinking water mainly because I was swallowing more by taking frequent little sips. We swallow air each time we swallow anything. Sometimes when I'm drinking plain water I just get the feeling that I need to stop and put something with more substance in my pouch. Even if it's changing to crystal lite. 
The only thing I could add is tha****er is a thin liquid and goes down quite quickly.  The muscles from your mouth to your  stomach have to work together to allow you to safely swallow. Maybe they're a little off right now because of the surgery. Creamed soups, protein shakes, puddings slide down slower because of their consistency therefore allowing the muscles time to react.  Just a thought.

(deactivated member)
on 4/23/11 12:58 am - SC
Are you drinking the water cold?  I had issues with ice cold water.  I could handle it room temp.

It seemed like when it was cold it almost made my pouch seize up and it hurt like hell.  I still do alright with room temp water, but not ice cold.  Also, if the plain water is just not setting well try to add some Crystal Light or some other flavoring to it.  I love Crystal Light and the MiO Water Enhancer personally, but not everyone likes them.  
on 4/23/11 2:52 am - TN
 Ive used ice cold to room temp water, doesnt seem to make a difference. I will try the crystal light...just sucks because I am one of those people *****ally do like plain ice cold water, LOVE IT ...and now I want to drink it so bad and i almost cant. I fear Im getting dehydrated, my urine is a little dark, and theres not much of it and I SO dont want to end up in the hospital. I stll feel like **it and Im SO tired of feeling like **it...going back and forth from the bathroom takes the wind right out of me, all I want to do is sit on the couch. I know this will pass, but right now I hate what Ive done to myself....I cant enjoy easter with my kids, cant even color eggs with them. I cant sleep in my bed because Im a stomach sleeper so i have to sleep on my couch and its killing my butt and my back. Again, I know this will pass but right now Im just so grumpy and feel AWEFUL UGH
Lady Lithia
on 4/23/11 3:55 am
Try a squirt of lemon or lime in the water.... just enough to change the pH of the water, and it might be all that you need.

I firmly believe it has to do with the pH of water that so many have issues postop.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 4/23/11 2:57 am - Newton, IL
I'm about 10 days out and plain water is just a no go.   I'm like you and the temperature doesn't make a difference, it still causes horrible stomach cramps, especially first thing in the AM.    So strange because I can drin****d Crystal Light with no problems.   
on 4/23/11 3:05 am - TN
 I guess Ill be sending the family out for crystal light...and thast another thing...im SO tired of having to have my family do everything for me. I finally was able to take a shower last night and it took almost an HOUR, but all be darned if I was gonna ask for help with that lol. I cant do much at all and its driving me nuts, driving my little ones nuts (8 and 9)...family is so busy with the farm and work that they cant just drop what theyre doing to help me but yet I do need help. Getting up to make my meals is SO hard and leaves me winded for several minutes. Is that normal? SOrry Im *****ing so much...just a bad day..again
(deactivated member)
on 4/23/11 3:14 am - SC
It's completely normal.  I promise that your dependence on everyone will soon pass and you'll find day by day you can do more.  It drove me absolutely batty the first week having my husband do everything for me except go to the bathroom.  Now that I'm feeling better though I make all my own meals, plus the meals for my husband and daughter. 

Maybe try making all your meals at once and putting them in the fridge.  Right now are you on full liquids?  I make large batches of protein pudding and other things I can have.  Then I portion them out into these 2 ounce baby food containers I have.  That way all I have to do is grab one and eat.  

I promise it gets better!  I know you're probably tired of hearing that, but it really does.
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