Well, here I am, Day 5 and I

on 4/25/11 8:26 am
dreamed about a giant size oreo cakester last night!

I must be feeling a little better, I put on a bra today for the first time.  Still haven't put on make-up or fixed my hair.

Just saw an Eggo commercial and was very envious of the actors enjoying their waffle.  But then I feel all the gas in my belly and it doesn't really bother me that much!  I had my first room clearing fart too!

on 4/25/11 8:47 am - Malmstrom AFB, MT
Good job!! Let her rip, Skip! I'm glad you're feeling better!! One of my incisions was RIGHT between my breasts, and along my lower bra line. Can you tell my doctor is male?! I mean, how would he like it if *I* was the doctor and gave him an incision along his UNDERWEAR seam?! But I was okay with jogbras because some of my bra**** me in exactly the WRONG spot. And putting them on was hard sometimes because I would SLIDE it around and catch that incision, and OH MY !

Do you notice now how many fast food commercials there are?! I was blown away by that - I never noticed it before. What's killing me now is the Long John Silvers commercial for the chicken meal, and the HUSHPUPPIES! It's the hushpuppies that are KILLING me. I know better, but, man. They just look REALLY good.
RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
on 4/25/11 8:56 am - Durham, NC
I guess I'm not the only one noticing all the appealing food commercials.  My parents are helping me out while I'm recovering and my mom made some chicken and it looked sooo delicious; I wish I could've at least licked it.  I know I'm desperate, because I've been a vegetarian for over 20 years, but even meat looks good right now.   I guess if this doesn't make us stronger, what will.  Good luck ladies; we'll make it.
(deactivated member)
on 4/25/11 8:58 am - SC
Haha, room clearing fart.  I've had plenty of those in my 13 days since surgery.   It's pretty bad when you run your husband out of bed.  Usually it's the other way around in this house. 

I still live in sports bras.  The only time I've worn a real bra was yesterday to church.  If I could of gotten away with wearing my sports bra without having uniboob I would of done it.  I did take the real one off as soon as I got home and put my sports bra on.  

The gas gets better after about a week.  Gas-x strips helped mine a lot but it didn't get rid of the pains in your shoulder.  It helps with belly gas though.  Glad you're feeling well! 
on 4/25/11 10:24 am - Malmstrom AFB, MT

So I'm not crazy? There ARE a lot of commercials that are food related? I was watching Food Network and the Cooking channel when I first got home from the hospital, and maybe it was just my imagination, but I think that was at least PART of the reason I was nauseous and sick every day. Maybe it was too much stomach acid and not enough mental healing to face that much temptation yet. I'm a gourmet, so of COURSE I wanted to jump and go cook EVERYTHING I saw - "for the family" - NEVER for me! Never. I wasn't even going to just CHEW a BITE and then spit it out. NEVER. I promise. BA HA HA.

RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
on 4/25/11 11:59 am, edited 4/25/11 12:00 pm
 So funny.. I am a week out tomorrow and I think my TV has been on either food network or cooking channel at all times...I actually feel like it is keeping me connected to food since all I can do is drink clear liquids all day 
on 4/25/11 11:00 am - Brick, NJ
So glad to see this...I don't feel hunger but those darn commercials!! They make the cravings go!! I have to turn the channel so I don't think too much.
Melissa HW:350 SW:333 CW:234 GW:128
dragonfly queen
on 4/25/11 11:06 am
I had my surgery the Monday before Thanksgiving - I was higher than a kite trying to explain to my DH, son and FIL how to cook a freaking turkey that I couldn't eat.

I also recall whimpering at an Arby's commercial early out, lol.
on 4/25/11 12:44 pm, edited 4/25/11 12:45 pm - Malmstrom AFB, MT

The one that really drove me crazy was Carl's Jr. They have a new line of grilled turkey sandwiches - I thought they looked so DARNED good. One is with avocado (I'm allergic to avocado, so no dice), one is teriyaki (LOVE teriyaki but I was worried about the carbs and they couldn't find the nutritional information behind the counter...) and one is a kind of plainish 500 calorie (ketchup, mayo, lettuce, tomato and some other kind of sauce). That's the one I got to "share" with hubby (if you can call me eating 2TBL of the turkey "sharing" a burger with him). It was DRY AS A BONE. So dry I could barely chew it, and it made me sick. I WAS SO MAD. To want something THAT BAD and have it not only be nasty, but make me sick too?! I wasn't even CHEATING, and it made me sick?! I was like, WHAT?! If I was willing to get sick over it, I would have cheated and got something I REALLY loved before, like the chicken strips meal with honey mustard sauce and french fries and a COKE and eaten the WHOLE THING! I don't care if I NEVER go to Carl's Jr. again!

So rest assured that food looks MUCH better in the commercials, and don't waste your time or precious pouch space! It totally was not worth it.

RNY March 21, 2011!! I'm feeling great!!
Busy Mommy of 4, Proud USAF Wife, Quilter, and TRIATHLETE!!               
Carla M.
on 4/25/11 1:58 pm
RNY on 02/21/11 with
My tv is constantly on food channels and cooking channels! I call it my food porn. LOL! I know I'm not hungry, but it all just sounds so darn good to me! I think I live vicariously through the people that get to eat it on tv. LOL
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