what could happen to me if...

on 5/3/11 1:47 am - Danbury, CT

i completely broke all the rules and ate anything i wanted, all day long?  it has never been made clear to me what the dangers of eating high sugar  slider foods can and will do to me if i decide to fall back into my old habits and ways.

i ask this because i feel i am in great danger of relapse and becoming one of the few people who fail the gastric bypass.

i realize recognizing this is half the battle but i still feel i am teetering on the edge of complete relapse.

i see a shrink and a therapist...  and still feel  like it's not working.

i am sad to say i may never conquer the food demon. 

on 5/3/11 1:53 am
I can't really tell you for sure since I am pre op but I do have a medical background. I would say that what will happen to you is one of two things...you will either gain all the weight that you have lost  or you will have horrible dumping syndrome. It is good that you are seeking therapy and looking for answers. You obviously don't want this to happen since you are posting it here. You may have been told this before but the surgery is merely a tool. We all have to find a way to deal with our food addictions. I too am searching for these same answers. Best of luck!

on 5/3/11 2:00 am - San Antonio, TX
I am sorry to hear of your current state of mind...and it is your mind we are talking about.
I am saying this with compassion and concern: no counselor or therapist can give you the control to make changes in your life.
Only you can do this by changing the negative direction you are going in and by putting purpose in your step.
I want you to succeed but wishing and hoping will not make it so.
Please stop going down this collision course, take hold of your life, and do the right thing. I know you can do it! 

Age at RNY: 55, Height: 5'4", Consultation Weight: 331 lbs-12/1/2009, RNY Surgery Weight: 281 lbs-3/22/2010, Goal Weight Reached: 141 lbs-6/23/2011, Lowest Weight: 126 lbs-12/11/2011

Current Age: 61, Current Weight: 161 lbs-5/20/2016Total Weight Loss Maintained: 170 lbs  


Lori P.
on 5/3/11 2:37 am, edited 5/3/11 2:37 am - Kenosha, WI
You said that it was not made clear to you what the dangers of high sugar and slider foods are...I think you already know!  

You will eventually stall out with your weight loss and begin to gain weight.  If you are not getting enough protein, that will be unhealthy as well.

I have no words of wisdom.....you have to get hold of your emotions and find other ways to deal with life.

Good luck  :)



     SW 212 / Goal 130 / Current 130



on 5/3/11 3:17 am - WV
Everyone is right about it being you that has to make the choices of what and when to eat. BUT therapy is also very helpful. I suggest something I did, I changed therapist to an addiction specialist. Yes he mostly deals with hard-core drug and alcohol but the food addictions can be the same and he has helped me turn my life around and make my entire family healthier.
Teddi J
We have just enough religion to make us hate,
but not enough to make us love one another. ~Jonathan Swift                    
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 5/3/11 3:34 am - OH
As Lori said, your weight loss will (probably) stall before you are done losing and then you will (definitely) begin to regain the weight that you have lost.

You mention the "few people who fail the gastric bypass".  Unfortunately, depending on how you define "fail", it is NOT so few.  MANY people (but by NO MEANS ALL people) regain weight after having a RNY.  Most of the time, falling into old eating habits and/or never having dealt with the psychological/emotional aspects of their obesity comes into play in the regain.  Many people do noyt believe it until the GET there, but LOSING the weight after surgery is truly the EASY part; MAINTAINING the weight loss is the HARD part.

Perhaps you should consider changing to a new therapist.  Not all counselros/psychologists are created equal, and some just do a better job with certain issues, and some do ebtter with certain clients.  If you therapist is a quality professional, (s)he will understand (and will not take it as a personal rejection) if you tell him/her that you don;t think you are making the kind of progress you  that need to in this area, and that you think you should try seeng someone else.

As a counselor, In can tell you that you CAN conquer this demon... well, perhaps "subdue" is a better word, since I don't believe that everyone "conquers" their food demons, but they can control them.  You need the right support system, the right help from therapy, and adequate personal commitment.  You CAN do it, though.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 5/3/11 4:17 am - KY
well , i def think you are one of the lucky ones who can eat whatever you want and not dump, not choke, not feel sick and vomit. u need to put that good luck together and realize alot of ppl wish they could just drink a protein shake and go on with their day as normal as they can. you got the tool but dont abuse it . it would be such a waste to go through that bariatric surgery just to be big and miserable again. THINK THINK THINK . dont go back down that lonely road and have a hard time just bending over. you can do this . sit down and write out all the pros and cons of being thin and heavy . whatever it takes . try to save yourself. i couldnt imagine going through all the stress of surgery and then look the same later .
Tessie W.
on 5/3/11 6:04 am
Sorry you are going through a hard time.  It is good for me to read this because it reminds me that in the months ahead it will be more on me than the pouch!  I also do not seemt o dump, although I really haven't pushed the limits nor do I intend to. 

Are you someone who can take "just a taste" and then let something go?  That's kind of something I am starting to get into my habits.  Obviously I can't do a lot of anything at this point but trying to work on long term changes. 

I love the stuff that Nik has as far as recipes. If I can replace some of my loves with healthy alternatives I know it will go a long way toward my success.  I am too much of a newbie to offer any good advise - but wanted to let you know I am thinking about you.
on 5/3/11 6:15 am - Nixa, MO
You can do this. You are trying to take hold of your life and it's never easy to change. Please read my signature and understand it. Don't worry about what you can't eat - don't worry about eating at all. You will not starve and I find that the less I concentrate on what I'm going to eat next (protein not included in this) the easier it is to forego something. I just do not stop and get a donut no matter how much I would like one. Every time I don't eat something I shouldn't I feel stronger and more powerful and that's a good thing. Don't have those unhealthy foods in your house - have someone else grocery shop for you if you can't resist buying things that aren't on your plan. Don't use your kids or significant other as an excuse to buy sweets or carbs - they can eat those things out of the house. You CAN do this. I believe in you.

Adamsamah, Lana
"WLS is about making better choices, a healthier lifestyle and seeing how little you can eat.  Portion control is the key to all weight loss surgeries.  Bottom line - it isn't how much you can eat - it is how little you can eat."


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