UGH! I feel like a piece of SH**-on-toast

on 5/13/11 6:48 am - Canada
I'm having a helluva time just over two weeks post-op.

I'm still on full-fluids until the 15th, but I'm having a hard time taking anything in. I'm not throwing up, because I'm too nauseas to take anything in but ice cold water/weak green tea/crystal light. My g-tube is still in and won't be out until Monday and it's really sore under my ribs because of it. My doc refused to take it out in case I do start throwing up. On top of that, I ended up in urgent care on Sunday because another doc thought my g-tube site was infected. It turns out it isn't, but now I have to finish off the prescription for two giant horsepill antibiotics, because I've started them. Ironically, I have to take them with food, or I WILL throw up.

Also, WHY ARE PROTEIN DRINKS ONLY IN SWEET FLAVORS?!?! I've NEVER liked sweet things so much and I thought I could get through it--I bought $50 worth of Diabetic Boost and I could only get through 1/3 of one bottle. It all tastes like crap and it's the last thing I want in my mouth when I feel sick.

There are a few things I can think of to help, but I'm WAAAY to broke to buy anything, now that I've dropped $225 on Bariatric Choice stuff that isn't even here yet.

The nice thing about crap food is that it's cheap. Good luck getting high-protein bariatric foods at the food bank!

For the past two days, I've only been able to take lemon/lime water and I've only been able to get in half my vitamins. Sometimes I make chicken broth with sirracha, soy sauce and lemon juice and that goes down okay. I feel SOOO weak. I feel weaker every day. I lost 22lbs in the 14 days post op. Maybe that's normal, but I sure don't feel anything even resembling normal.

I only got 3 weeks notice that my RNY was going to be done (it was scheduled for January 2013) and my doc doesn't require a special diet before surgery, so I think it's been a bit too much of a shock to my system.

Am I supposed to be feeling this crappy? If I had a stenosis, at least then there would be something that could be done to make me feel better.

Oh yeah--my surgeon is three hours away. *heavy sigh*  ***** ***** *****
on 5/13/11 6:54 am
Feeling like crap is what most of us felt like initially.  Be sure to keep sipping your liquids to stay hydrated.  You might try another protein shake, something thinner than the diabetic boost.

Nectar has some fruit flavored shakes that are thin, I didn't like them but many do.

Know that it gets better.  For the nausea try sipping hot peppermint tea. 

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 5/13/11 7:01 am - Canada
 Thanks, Cajungirl! I ordered some of the fruit/ice tea drinks w/protein, so maybe those'll be a little better.

Again, though, they're all SWEET! Why don't they make pizza-flavoured protein drinks? Or spicy tom yum soup flavoured? Why always sweet? Spicy & sour are my only saving grace flavours--I can get things down if they're sour or spicy.
on 5/13/11 7:19 am

Sorry to hear you are struggling.  You can mix unflavored protein into most anything.  You need to eat something and drink or you will end up back in the hospital with dehydration.

Try mixing the boost with coffee? it won't be quite so sweet?  good luck.

(deactivated member)
on 5/13/11 7:37 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
Try pureeing your favorite canned soup until it is smooth.  That should be ok with your stoma (at least, it was with mine) because the pieces will be so tiny.  The flavor will be much better, too.

I like the Syntrax Nectar Cappuccino--coffee-flavored, although still sweetish.

If you insist on something more flavorful, try some ricotta cheese w/ a tablespoonful of pasta sauce over it.  Voila~ Italiano~!

Hang in there, Kid.
on 5/13/11 8:00 am - CT
RNY on 11/01/10 with
Wow, you sound EXACTLY like me 2 weeks post op. I had to go back on clear liquids, lost 20lbs in 2 weeks and was getting so dehydrated my breath smelled like nail polish remover. I had the same question, why must everything be so damn sweet? Well, I recommend something called "any whey" Which has almost no flavor and you can mix it in tomato soup, when you get to solids you can mix it with loads of things and cook with it. As for a protein shake, the only one I could tolerate was GNC AMP in strawberry, it mixes up in milk but stays thin, like strawberry quik and tastes decent.when all else fails Greek yogurt kept me alive when I thought I would not be able to eat anything. Sometimes I would mix it with salsa and retried beans, sometimes add a little honey and berries. Just sip the soup for now, it will moisten your pouch and keep you out of the ED. it gets better, much much much better. Just remember this when some smart-ass tries to tell you this is the easy way out! This is the hardest thing!
on 5/13/11 8:06 am - Canada
 Yeah, I think I'm just a food-stage away from being able to deal. Once I can have pureed foods, I'll be able to do the salsa/refried beans thang and I think I'll feel much better. I'm supposed to be getting in at least 82g of protein a day! Man that's a lot. 

I have hemp protein powder I put in a lot of things, but my ability to get anything in, let alone something thickened and made green with protein powder, has been greatly diminished. Soon, I guess...

Thanks again for your advice, everyone.
on 5/13/11 8:08 am
I was a lot like you!  I am three weeks out now and just starting to feel a little normal. 

Yes, all those protein powders are sooo sweet!  I ordered a bunch of samples, and even the "cappuccino" one tasted too sweet.  I did find a brand at my local grocery store that is not too sweet and can be mixed like chocolate milk.  It's called "designer whey".  Not sure if you can get it in canada though.  It's only about $12.00 US, so you're not out too much if you hate it.

I have yet to order some unflavored protein.  That's my next step though. 

You will feel better pretty soon!  Just rest and keep hydrated!
on 5/13/11 11:34 am - CT
RNY on 11/01/10 with
I am 6 1/2 months out and I use hemp protein powder almost everyday. I combine it with oat bran and whey protein powder and make muffins. If you are trying to drink it, I think it will turn you off as it is so grainy and earthy
Anyway, good luck to you!
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