6 months out, celebrate with me, including stats and pics!

on 5/16/11 8:45 pm, edited 5/16/11 8:49 pm - Raamsdonksveer, Netherlands

Hi guys

So 2 days ago it was already my 6 month anniversary. Thoughts go back to the hospital, the first few weeks, which -unfortunately- also means thinking back of my father's passing, 2 weeks after surgery. Oh, how I wish he could be here to see how I am doing now :-(

I am doing good! I started at 365 pounds, lost about 26 with pre diet and am now at a total loss of 118 pounds. I would still like to lose 70 more. I'll get there. I did not have ANY complications and I am one of the lucky ones too: can eat everything (well have not tried everything of course!) in moderation without getting sick/stuck/foamies etc. No probs for me!

I do adhere a low carb, high protein and mainly sugarfree diet (as opposed to most of my fellow dutch wls people who still eat loads of carbs and sugars; they do not really believe in that lifestyle over here) Luckily, I am a stubborn girl so I adopted parts pof the usa WLS lifestyle and as a result my cravings are still gone I am almost never hungry, and I lost quite some weight (in comparison to my dutch counterparts again)

The last few weeks my weight losse is slowing down and stalling more. It is to be expected I guess. I also have slacked of a tiny bit with my own set of rules, having more sugar free treats than i should and such. So time to start writing my food intake again (I use sparkpeople) and time to cut the carbs some more and especially: time to get into that exercise routine! I have not yet quite gotten into that routine, so it might just be what I need to jazz things up and make sure I keep losing. I do bodypump and Zumba and regular gym time, but not regular enough. As of today, I am starting to get on the right pad again!

I FEEL great, losing 118 pounds is a biggie! I am healthy, labs were fine (I guess, I could not yet find anyone on the boards who were willing to have a look at them for me)  and a lot has improved. Loving life, being active with my kids and enjoying the compliments. Enjoying being able to MOVE and not being so ashamed.


I weighed 365 pounds and had a fat% of 53%. My fatt mass at that time was 195 pounds, my fatfree mass was 170 pounds (my fluids were 125 of that)

Now I weigh 246 pounds. My fat% is  43% today (and that without much exercise, I really am curious to see what happens when I ramp that up) My fatt mass is 106 pounds, my fat free mass is 140 pounds (of which 103 pounds fluids)

So my fluids have gone down (way less edema), my fat has gone down and also a bit of muscle, so a GOOD reason to start up a more regular exercise and weight training tregime TODAY. My sugars are down, my cholestorol and blood pressure also. 

Now for the pictures:




To sum it up: it has been a WILD ride but it will get a but rougher from now on I reckon! THANKS for all of your support and love on this forum; it has helped me tremendously!

I am writing a dutch book on WLS with info and experiences, since we do not currently have such a book over here. So that's a really positive thing to be working on as well!

on 5/16/11 8:50 pm
Congrats on your weight loss.



Amy Smith
on 5/16/11 9:00 pm

on 5/16/11 9:02 pm - MD
You look wonderful! Keep up the great work!
on 5/16/11 9:12 pm - Milton, NH
Such a beautiful smile You are doing such a great job,  Keep it up!!! 

You may be only one person in the world, but to someone you are the world

Karin @)-;-'--
on 5/16/11 9:22 pm - Melbourne, Australia
What a fabulous achievement in such a short span of time.  You can see the delight in your face.  I'm so pleased for you and it's great to see your progress and good to see pics too.  Keep up the great work.

Cheers from Karin (in Oz)

LilySlim - (qEqi)

on 5/16/11 9:30 pm
 Congratulations! You look great!
on 5/16/11 9:46 pm
Congratulation!!!!!! The last photo that shows the close-up of your face - AMAZING.  You look simply amazing and your progress is phenomenal.  I look forward to seeing your updates six months from now!

Jennifer M.
on 5/16/11 9:49 pm
on 5/16/11 10:05 pm - MI

I agree you look beautiful, young and health.  Keep up the good work I hope to be in your shoes one day you are a great inspiration!
