I really AM that one person that this isn't gonna work for!!

on 5/20/11 11:18 am - Morgan Hill, CA
On the morning of my surgery I weighed 368. About a week later I weighed 358. Today I weigh 361. My scale sat on 358/359 for about a week and now it's slowly creeping up a couple points a day. WTF? I get up, with the hubby's alarm, 6:30, I have my protein shake, 20-40 grams, depending on which one I have. Between 9 and 10, I have an egg, scrambled, or a piece of deli sliced chicken breast and a piece of cheese, or 3/4 of a 6 oz yogurt. Between 10 and 1:00 I'm sipping my water, sometimes with a little cranberry juice, sometimes decaf ice tea, sometimes with Crystal light. 1:00ish I eat, maybe a the chicken breast and cheese combo, maybe a couple tablespoons of tuna or egg salad, possibly with one or two whole wheat crackers. In the afternoon I sip 'clear' protein, my new fave is the Isopure comes in a 20 ounce bottle, 40 grams of protein, 0 carbs... I drink it all afternoon, water it down with ice and I get in my 40 g and about 40 ounces of water. Dinner time, more of the same, I've also been having some salmon, or soft juicy chicken... never more than a few bites. I eat out of a 6oz Rammikin and I barely cover the bottom, with the portion I serve myself. Even then, the last bite I sometimes don't eat, sometimes regret eating... just for a little while. I drink more liquid in the eve...Several hours later, if  I'm still up, I may have a SF popsicle. I have been keeping track of calories/ protein grams / cups of water on a little chart I devised. I'm getting in 80-100 grams of protein, at least 8 8 ounce servings of water... is that the secre****er and protein? Why am I not losing?!?! WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???
Highest weight :412, Weight on surgery day (5/2/11): 370.
on 5/20/11 11:21 am

It is very common to have a stall at this point.  It sounds like you are doing everything that you can, so unfortunately, the only thing to do is to keep doing what you are doing.  I am nearly 8 months out and I have had several periods when I stayed the same or when up a pound or two.  It will come off!!!

Congrats on everything that you are doing to change your life!

HW 320/SW 280/CW 149.5 /GW 145
Jane N.
on 5/20/11 11:24 am - Round Rock, TX
STRESSING OUT OVER NOTHING!  Otherwise, you're doing just fine.  It's perfectly normal to have fluctuations in weight as you go.  Maybe you're retaining fluids.  Maybe you need to poo.  Maybe your scale is having a bad day.  I don't see when your surgery date was but it sounds like you're heading to a fairly routine 3-week stall.  Many people sort of peter out in their weight loss at week 2-4 or so.  The body has just been assaulted and rearranged.  It's regrouping and trying to figure out what you've done to it.  In a day, a week, or 3, the scale will start moving again.  Just keep on plan, keep your fluids up, and keep your feet and butt moving around.  In a year you'll laugh at your fear that it "wasn't working".

Lady Lithia
on 5/20/11 11:44 am
I lost nothing for FIVE WEEKS from week 3 through 8.

AFTER my weight loss started up again, I found that my weight loss followed the same pattern until the end of th 12th month

I would Lose like freak crazy for a week
I woul lose very moderately for week 2
I wouldn't lose a freaking ounce for week 3
I would GAIN GAIN GAIN during week 4

then I would lose like crazy again

month after month after month

I tell people that they cannot declare themselves a failure until six months out.

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 5/20/11 12:05 pm - Morgan Hill, CA
Thankyou thankyou thankyou... I think I knew I was doing ok, even though my scale does not agree... but it's nice to hear positive feedback. I wonder, how long is this 'stal' supposed to last... it seems like it's been FOREVER!!!
Highest weight :412, Weight on surgery day (5/2/11): 370.
on 5/20/11 12:58 pm - Fargo, ND
First off Breathe... it shall come of- in clusters but it moves. Remember they say when your not losing pounds your losing inches. My longest stall lasted 6 or 7 weeks straight- guess who was going crazy (yep, me). You shall win!

A little on the protein numbers. Please remember we do not absorb more then 30 grams at a time, if you have more then that at a time your wasting it, just like water draining down the sink.
Keep up the good work and soon you will reap the rewards
Maintaining! Start weight 257,Current weight 122,Loss of 135# and 114 inches,Size 22-24W now size 4 to 0 (zero),Healthy life=Priceless

on 5/20/11 1:51 pm
Depends on how far out you are but are your portions where your doc wants them? I'm 9 yrs out and I can't eat as much as you do, or as often. I can eat almost a whole chicken breast but usually not the whole thing. I can't do any veggies or anything else if I eat the whole chicken breast, for example. I can do one or two eggs scrambled - but nothing else. Check with your doc - wwe ony absorb 20-25 gms of protein per serving - you can't count 40 gms in a shake if you don't absor*****eck with your surgeon to see how much he/she believes you absorb at one time. Protein forward or only meals at this point in time and check the size of your meals with your doc. I couldn't eat a whole carton of yogurt until I was like 3 years out. You may be getting in too much too soon - check your paperwork from your doc or nut for sample menus and portions per month.
Jen 9 yrs post op
on 5/20/11 2:49 pm - Morgan Hill, CA
i think you misunderstood. I'm not eating a whole chicken breast, God, no, I eat a couple deli thin slices of chicken breast from the deli.  I eat one egg sometimes, with a teeny sprinkle of  shredded cheese.  I don't eat veggies or anything. Just the protein. I'm trying to integrate ssome whole grain crackers one or two here and there cuz I need the fiber, BAD, and I know that the 40 gram shake doesn't all get absorbed... the shake itself is 30g but I recently started making it with NF milk which just so happens to add 10 grams, it tastes better. And it takes me an hour+ to get it down so who knows, maybe I'm getting more of that protein than we think. And the yogurt is not a regular size yogurt, it's smaller, and between me and my 3 yr old son stealing bites, we finish about 2/3 to 3/4 of it.  I guess it's possible that I'm getting in too much, but I don't think so... I have felt that 'oh I ate too much' feeling once and believe me, I am not looking to repeat that oh-so-wonderful feeling in my chest.
Highest weight :412, Weight on surgery day (5/2/11): 370.
on 5/20/11 2:32 pm
 As far as I can see the only thing you are doing wrong is weighing yourself daily.  If that is going to upset you then put the scale away and don't weigh yourself a while.  You will still know you are losing weight because your clothes will get looser.  Give yourself a break.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 5/20/11 11:33 pm - PA
I've been feeling the same way.  I'm actually quite depressed over this.  I'm in day 15.  During the first 10 days I dropped 14.  Since then none, and actually gaining 2.  I'm not sure how it's physically possible for me to have gained 2.  I've been charting everything as well, only difference is I'm still on purees.  I emailed my NUT yesterday, and got nothing back yet.  I have said, this was my biggest fear about going through all of this, that I found just another method that for whatever reason doesn't work for me.  It sucks big time.  From what I've heard/seen, it doesn't matter what you do in those first couple of months, the weight should be peeling off.  It really sucks in that I am following my plan to the letter, haven't missed a vitamin yet, getting the protein in, and feel like it's not working.  I seriously empathize with you here.

Surgery - 246/10days out - 232 /15 days out today - 234
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