Am I being too sensitive?

on 6/3/11 3:15 am - WI
So I had RNY on 5/23 and was released from the hospital on 5/25  - since then, my mom has been staying with me. Well, from DAY 1 she's decided to eat every awful (read: yummy) thing in front of me. My first night home, she orders Pad Thai from my FAVORITE Thai restaurant and proceeds to eat it in front of me!! The next day, she goes out and gets a juicy cheeseburger and tells me how good it tastes. And twice in the last week she's come home with a piece or two of fried chicken (I'm not a huge fan of it, but the smell is AMAZING) and eaten it right in front of me as I choke down a protein shake or cottage cheese.

I'm starting to get mad and a little resentful. I know just because I chose to have this surgery that I cannot expect her to change her eating habits too, but I kind of feel like like she's flaunting it in front of my face on purpose.

Am I being overly sensitive? Are those hormones starting to rear their ugly 'heads'?

Surgery Date: May 23, 2011

HW: 307.9 SW: 299.5 CW: 181.8 GW: 155

on 6/3/11 3:26 am - Bay Minette, AL
I don't think she is doing it on purpose especially if this is her normal routine.  I think after we have surgery we don't want anybody eating what we can't eat around us.  Its an emotional thing.  It will get better after while.  Remember you had surgery to be a better, healthier you and what is now going to be your normal way of eating is not everyone elses.  If you get what I'm saying. And yes the hormones are a mess, and you just had surgery so you will be overly sensitive about this.  It is frustrating but, you will get over it.  Aren't those smells wicked!!!  Some use to make me sick though, even now certain smells make me gag and get nauseous.  Just know it will get better and don't hurt your mother.  Be encouraged. You are not alone in this thinking.

on 6/3/11 3:32 am, edited 6/3/11 3:33 am
My wife and kids have been real good about "hiding" their meals from me. But the smells are still in the house. It bothered me for awhile (around the first week and a half.) Now I've learned to deal with it. I've even gone to restaurants with them and to the movie theater (smell of popcorn is amazing!)

At home, sometimes I'll use their supper time to go for my walk. By the time I'm done, they are through eating and we can get on with our night.

You have 3 options, as I see it:
1.) Politely ask your mother to eat somewhere else.
2.) Remove yourself from the situation (I had to do this during my pre-op diet. Extended family gathering for Mother's day and I went and sat outside while everyone else ate BBQ).
3.) Learn to deal with it and become masochistic, like me. :-)

Communicate. If she doesn't listen or takes offense, then you be the one to move away from food or smells.

Either way, hang in there and good luck. I'm a week ahead of you and there are bright days on the horizon.
(deactivated member)
on 6/3/11 3:31 am
If it is that bad, why don't you ask your mom to eat that stuff elsewhere. You are not asking her to stop eating that stuff just askign her to do it elsewhere. My hubby and I already have a game plan worked out where we will NOT be eating together for a bit due to I love to talk and that will mess up my chewing.

If your mom is curious about why you are asking her to eat away from you, just calmly explain it to her.
on 6/3/11 3:36 am
RNY on 04/07/09 with
ahh yes, the hormones. its good practice to desensitize yourself from food. i had a complication after surgery and was NPO for a month. when my family visited they would sometimes bring food for themselves and it was weird but i eventually stopped caring. there were definitely some hard moments though.

i experienced a complete disinterest in food for a few months after surgery. it was blissful and the only time in my life that food wasn't a pre-occupation. you're normal. just breathe easy.
Koko M.
on 6/3/11 3:42 am - Albany, CA
Alright, I really am some kind of freak, I realize that now.

Since the surgery, I have developed a strange way of coping with my lost loves, the foods I used to adore but can't / won't eat now:

I feed people.

I bring boxes of donuts to work and watch my coworkers eat them. I'll order pizza for the kids, have like a 1" strip and savor it slowly, while enjoying the family enjoying the rest of the pie.
I like to bring candy and pastries to meetings, because I get vicarious satisfaction out of watching them savored.

I think I'm a food voyeur...


HW-291 :: 1st WLS consult-281 :: Surgery-263 ::  GW-154 :: CW-151 :: In my dreams - 138


psx chelly
on 6/3/11 5:12 am

omg... and I thought I was the only freak.  I do that too !!!!!!!!!  I feed people!

i dont eat pizza though. :(

I bring candy and donuts to work constantly and watch people enjoy themselves.  I brought a huge box of those individual servings bags of mini chips a hoy.. I opened it and put a note "Free" on the box.  I watched as people all over the office had chips a hoy all day.  It was funny.
Koko M.
on 6/3/11 6:22 am - Albany, CA
I know, right?

And when they really enjoy it, it's that much better! It's almost literally food voyeurism.  I can see by the pleasure on their faces that it's good, it's making them happy, and I'm happy for them, and that means... I'm happier too!  Without the calories!


HW-291 :: 1st WLS consult-281 :: Surgery-263 ::  GW-154 :: CW-151 :: In my dreams - 138


on 6/3/11 10:04 am - FL
 lol i do the same thing ibuy stuff i use to like and give it to people. I thought i was weird for doing it. I guess its like a if i cant have it i want someone else too!! lol 
on 6/3/11 3:52 am
my first week home, I think my husband ate grilled chicken every night. I smelled so good most nights, a few nights the smell make me sick. I cried twice. (hormones!)One night I said to him, can you eat in the other room. I just couldn't take it. I explained it smelled good some times and made me sick others. since then before he makes any thing he asks if I want to go to the store or away from the kitchen before he starts and then he checks on me while its cooking to make sure it isn't bothering me. He said he didn't know it was bothering me and endless I said anything he would of never known. I felt like he was doing it to punish me. (hormones again) If you don't say anything people around you don't know. I say just explain it, she is your mother she won't want to make you feel that way.
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