Anyone doing P90X?

on 6/3/11 4:50 pm
 Well here it is summer time...I planned on joining the gym HOWEVER, I thought I would give P90X a try first.  You know its been collecting dust in the DVD cabinet for quit sometime.  (yep Im guilty)  So after the first workout, Im feeling the soreness.  Thinking this just might be better then what I would accomplish going to the gym.  SO MY QUESTION:  has anyone stuck with P90X for a few months and what kinda results did you get????  Thanks for your replies!
on 6/3/11 5:20 pm - Marysville, WA
I have some friends who do it and enjoy feeling close to death with every workout. 

All I can say is good luck and I hope to be able to consider it someday.
 KELLY RNY  34yo 5'5" HW 288 SW 274 CW 188 GW 140

on 6/3/11 5:31 pm, edited 6/3/11 5:32 pm
I'm on my second day of Insanity, which is similar to the p90x. My brother-in-law got me started on it and I really enjoy it so far. It's hard work, but I'm happy to be able to do half of what they do right now. Before my RNY I couldn't have done a minute of it. I'm sore but it's worth it. I feel better after working because I know that while I may be sore for a bit, the results will be very rewarding. Best of luck to you!
on 6/3/11 11:37 pm - Houston, TX
I too was planning on joining a gym but my friend talked me into doing this supreme 90 day (like P90X only cheaper) with her and Im only on day 3 so we will see. Good luck I do think its better then what I could have done at the gym by myself
on 6/4/11 1:36 am
I started P90X 3 days ago... I am so sore that I couldn't even roll over in bed without waking up! It is a very hard program, but... I think you would be sore no matter what workout you do, if you are not used to working out.

on 6/4/11 4:48 am - CA
My husband is active duty in the Air Force and he has P90X and Insanity. When I get cleared for exercise, I'd like to start the P90X. I'm thinking about completing it 2 times (if I can) before I start the Insanity workout. I watch my husband and I think the insanity is harder. He switches between the two of them. He'll finish the P90X and then Insanity. Maybe I'll do that. The thought of working that hard scares me, but the thought of actually being able to do it excites me more!

HW:340 SW: 292 CW:164 GW: 140-130

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