so scared of failure!!

Nicole S.
on 6/6/11 3:05 am - York Haven, PA
I'm sitting here today and it is finally sinking in.....I am gonna to have surgery in 24 days.....holy crap!!!!! I am so scared of failing. If you havent read my page...I had lapband in may of 08 and had it removed in sept of 08. While I had it I followed everything to a tee. I lost almost 60 pounds in 3 months. I got my first adjustment and it went downhill from there....was too tight so I had some taken out, but ended up with horrible reflux and vomitting and was admitted to hospital for dehydration.....they went in on monday nite to reposition my had slipped...but did not get it was still in horrible pain and have to wait all day tues for them to do numerous swallow test...finally a egd done and when original surgeon said he was going in I said just take it i had 2 surgeries in less than 24 hours and had it removed.....

Here it is 3 years later and I am back up to my pre-op weight and I am miserable. Kids are getting bigger and require more from me and I am just ready to live again!!

But in the back of my mind is my failure with the lapband....does anybody have any advice that they have stuck with and have been successful?

I know I can follow the instructions of my surgeon but I and just scared.....sorry so long :(

Surgery 355  / Current 246 / Goal 199.9


on 6/6/11 3:23 am
I too had band issues. Lap-Band put in 2007 slipped in 2008 they replaced it. 2009 fills where no longer working and in September 2010 the band eroded into my stomach and had to be removed. I gained so much weight that it even suprised the doctor. I am scheduled for RNY surgery July 11th. Nervous but can not wait to get the surgery over. Doctor has me dieting and I have lost about 16 lbs. I'ts bad enough I am having passing thoughts of failure but I also have family members that keep bringing it up. Good Luck to you.
Nicole S.
on 6/6/11 3:35 am - York Haven, PA
Good Luck to you too!!  I hate those nasty thoughts!! lol  Please keep me posted on how you are doing? :)

Best wishes!! :)

Surgery 355  / Current 246 / Goal 199.9


on 6/6/11 4:39 am
I understand your fear.  After having lapband problems, psychologically it might put doubts in your mind.

I don't think you'll fail at the RNY for a couple of reasons.  The main one being, your determination to make it work after the lapband didn't.  Stay the course, follow the rules and don't expect anything that isn't realistic.

You are aware of the success rates between surgeries, focus on being in the long-term group that has maintained or had a minor bounceback.

Having family that has the lapband and a few of us that have RNY I can tell you personally those of us with RNY are doing much better longterm managing our success.

Best wishes!

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


Kim S.
on 6/6/11 5:29 am - Helena, AL
Don't let the past dictate your future.  Approach each new thing you try as a brand new opportunity and give it your all.

As long as you go into this journey committed to changing your lifestyle, you will be successful.  You were before:  with the lap band and probably several other diets in your lifetime.  The issue is most of the diets we tried were based on deprivation, and we all know where that leads.

You must commit to eating properly and moving your body--every day.  During that first year you should work hard to take advantage of the quick losing phase and really get into great habits.  You must exercise daily--mixing cardio with weight training.  Once you get to goal, if you've built a sufficient amount of muscle, you should be able to "live like a thin person" and enjoy a little of everything and anything you want.

I was "by the book" the first year after surgery.  I started working out regularly 6 months before my surgery and have not missed a beat since.  I truly believe the combination of exercise and eating right laid the ground work for my success in maintenance.  I lost EVERY SINGLE WEEK that first year until I hit goal at 13 months.  I have maintained my weight now for 13 months.  I really don't have to deprive myself of anything--I now live by the 80/20 rule--80% of the time I make excellent food choices, the rest I indulge some.  If the scale goes up more than 2 lbs (I still only weigh on Friday mornings) then I cut back that week--and my weight goes right back down. 

I'm not a food addict, and I don't dump so I can eat anything--so what works for me will not work for everyone.  During this time you'll find what is right and what will work for you FOR LIFE.  Don't have the "diet" mentality--food is food--some is just better than others.  I also eat 6 small meals a day now (which my doctor does not support) and it helps keep my blood sugar level as I'm now dealing with some reactive hypoglycemia.

Failure is not an option--you may find some things that don't work, but they aren't failures.  Falling down is not failure--not picking yourself back up is.

I wish you much success on your journey!

on 6/6/11 6:09 am - Westminster, MD
I completely understand your fear as that is mine as well.  I am two months post op and I am in group and individual therapy along with working out on a regular basis and eating very little.  I have lost almost 50lbs so far with another 60 to go.  I don't know if my goal is realistic but that is what's in my head.  What I have learned is you need to focus on the positive and keep those ANTS (Automatic Negative Thoughts) out of your head.  The surgery changes your guts but not your head.  That part is as much a part of this journey if not more then the surgery.  I wish you good luck and keep thinking positively! 
on 6/6/11 10:30 am
I had the lap band placed in 2009.  Kept until October 2010 when I had my revision.  I work with a psychologist with my weight loss program and this has really helped.

She has helped me with several issues I had.  She has made me think about why the band failed, what I could have done differently.

The band was a dress rehearsal and the RNY is the real thing.  I can say that my problems were 80% the band and 20% me.  I had to figure out what I did wrong with the band and make sure that I stuck to my diet plan with the RNY. 



Nicole S.
on 6/6/11 12:13 pm - York Haven, PA
Thanks everyone!!  T-24 days!!  Will continue to keep reading the boards!! :)

Surgery 355  / Current 246 / Goal 199.9


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