Wednesday,Thursday, Friday (WT>>>)

Reesheda H.
on 6/8/11 1:27 pm - Jackson, MS
What did i just do I just ate a small bag of mini snackwell cookies. Oh lord and just went straight to the bathroom.  Does that mean that my surgery is working.  Some days I wonder if my stomach has stretched or this a big pouch day, I am going off my cycle.  Some one Help!!11
on 6/8/11 9:15 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Cookies are a slider food, so it's no surprise you can eat a whole bag - I'm sure your pouch is fine. You probably dumped either from the carbs or sugar alcohols, so, yeah, your surgery is working - lol! Just chalk it up to a lesson learned, and move on. Good luck to you!

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand's not a's a frame of mind...

Reesheda H.
on 6/9/11 4:33 am - Jackson, MS
Thank you but the cookies stayed with me all 3lbs that i gained over the course of 2 days.  I am mensing so I think it could be water weight.  i will see in a few days.  Thanks for your support!
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