Am I even close to being "normal" or on track?

on 6/15/11 7:57 am
I am 10.5 months out from surgery and started at 333 pounds, and now weigh 208. Is this normal for weight loss, or does it seem slow? I started out losing very fast, but am now only losing like 2-3 pounds per month and it is driving me crazy. I desperatly want to get into the 100's, preferably to 160. What are my chances of losing another 45 pounds in the next 6 months or so? I know everyone is different, and yes, I do feel and look much better. I don't know why I am so hung up on getting into the 100's but ptobably b/c that was my and my dr.'s goal to begin with. Thanks in advance friends.
on 6/15/11 8:06 am
 Reaching your goal is totally doable.  The weight loss window is something like 12 to 18 or 24 months.  Even after the weight loss window you can lose more weight, it just may be slower.
Unfortunately weight loss does slow down as you get further out.  Your capacity for food increases and just being smaller makes the weight loss slower.  But it can be done if you are committed to doing it.
How is your eating?  Now is not the time to stop tracking or adding back things like refined carbs.  The longer you avoid them the better your loss will be.  They should be reserved for maintenance, if at all.
How is your protein intake?  How abou****er.  I found that the secret to good weight loss for me is no refined carbs, at least 100 grams of protein a day and at least 100 oz of water a day.  I kept my carbs at around 50 grams a day.  I didn't eat any unplanned meals or snacks and have kept all my snacks protein forward.  I used to eat 5 times a day and now I eat 4 times a day, 3 meals and one protein shake before bed.
If you have concerns about your eating you can check out the daily accountability thread and see how others are eating and get some ideas and feedback.
Don't forget to keep up with your supplements, too.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/15/11 8:47 am - OH
It seems pretty normal to me, but that's because I started out at 332 and it took me 20 months to get to my goal weight of 145.  I was a sporadic loser... slower than many at first, then faster than many, then slower again. I'm pretty sure that my malabsorption was almost completely gone by the time I was a year out (rather than 18 months or so) because my weight loss slowed SO dramatically at 9 months out and then again at a year (even though I was not eating any differently).SO, yes, it si completely possible for you to continue to lose and to lose another 45 pounds (assuming your body is WILLING to lose that much more).  Even if it takes 2 years to get where you want to be, as long as the weight continues to slowly drop, it's all good.  Don't be discouraged!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 6/15/11 9:54 am - Springfield, IL
Oh my god!  I hope I do as well as you.  Sounds about right to me and if you 'only' lose 2-3lbs a month keep in mind you'll be in the 100's in six months.  

Maybe up your exercise, that often leads to a larger loss for me  (6-8lbs a week as opposed to 2-3lbs.)  Just curious why do you say "in the next 6mos or so".  If you're committed and you've made the changes just because your 12/18 mo window is up doesn't mean you can't lose more (it'll be harder, but it's possible.)  I had a friend who did it and was a "slow" loser, she didn't reach goal until almost 3 yrs out, a little depressing I know.
on 6/15/11 10:16 am
  Congratulations on your success!! I had surgery the same date as you, and have lost about the same amount, so to my thinking, we're right on track! My weight loss has also gotten slower over the last few months -- but surprisingly even with the scale slowing down, my clothes sizes have kept dropping, which is rewarding in itself.

With 125+ pounds gone, you must be feeling so much better and able to do so much more. As others have said, if you're able to increase your exercise, that might help. But hang in there -- you're doing awesome and you'll get to your goal soon enough!



RNY 7/30/10  SW 302/CW ~150/First Goal 155 (reached 9/2011)
Extended TT & Medial Thigh Lift 7/16/12.  Arms, Butt Lift 2/6/13. 

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