Warning - Disgusting Topic

on 6/25/11 7:18 am - NY
RNY on 03/23/11 with
Does anyone else find themselves spitting out food? 

I find myself doing it for several different reasons.  Reason #1 sometimes that last bite i've put in my mouth is the "one bite too many" and I don't realize it until it's in my mouth.  Reason # 2...sometimes I think I really want the food until its in my mouth, but then it does not taste the way I thought it would...so I spit it out.  Reason # 3...something I thought would be easy to chew and swallow doesn't feel that way once it's in my mouth, so back out it goes.  I'm thinking there is both a physical and pyschological aspect to this 'habit'. 

HW 484  SW 449  CW 251.5

on 6/25/11 7:19 am - NC
You are so not alone. I've chewed Doritos and spit them out.  Just had to have the taste!

on 6/25/11 7:23 am - CT
Been there done that too. I feel like I need/want something but as soon as it was in my mouth it tasted horrible! I guess that's what happens when you don't eat fatty junk foods for 2+ months then try a bite.
Amber J.
on 6/25/11 7:23 am - Kirkland, WA
 I do this a lot. I never force myself to swallow something that I think just isn't going to sit right. Like you, it's usually that last bite that I thought was going to fit but once it's in my mouth I know it's not going to.

LilySlim - Personal pictureLilySlim Weight loss tickers


Koko M.
on 6/25/11 11:49 am - Albany, CA
It's when you're about try to swallow it and realize you would be almost forcing it into the pouch that the reality of RnY kicks in. (Thank God.)

Honestly, I think sometimes spitting out a bite and stopping instead of making yourself swallow it til it's all finished shows that you're listening to your body instead of the old compulsions. I feel rather proud of myself when it happens, to tell you the truth.


HW-291 :: 1st WLS consult-281 :: Surgery-263 ::  GW-154 :: CW-151 :: In my dreams - 138


Cassandra Gordon
on 6/25/11 7:36 am - Woodbridge, VA
RNY on 03/29/11 with
You are not alone I have done this MANY times! 

Cassandra Gordon

on 6/25/11 7:39 am - CA
I did it constantly right after surgery. It was my response to my habitual grazing. I would be cleaning up after dinner and before I knew it had popped a left over piece of hot dog or chips, or whatever they didnt finish. As soon as I realized I had put something in my mouth I would spit it out. It happened A LOT!!!
on 6/25/11 8:09 am
Someone posted a link to an article on Facebook about this very topic. "Spitting" is becoming a very prevelant eating disorder among WLS patients. It usually does start out harmless, but slowly turns into a full-blown disorder. For the reasons you listed, but further out it becomes a way to put foods that you want to eat or taste in your mouth and then spit them out so that you do not actually consume the calories. So yes, I think you've the nail on the head about it being psychological. It is understandable when you feel like you've made a mistake in taking another bite that you think will make you sick, but be aware that making this a habit can become a harmful habit.
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 6/25/11 8:53 am - OH
Yes, it is a common problem with WLS patients (along with purging).  There are people who will go out and buy a Big Mac and "eat" the whole thing without actually swallowing any of it (or swallowing only a bite or two).  Other folks do it, too, but for some reason it is particularly prevalent among WLS patients.  It is also very difficult to treat, so people should seek help early from a mental health professional if they find themselves doing this on a regular basis.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 6/25/11 10:17 am - Belleville, IL
The reasons the Original Poster, posted are NOT because she wanted a "taste" or "grazed".

Yes, I have done this. (often within 2 months post op) the most common reason I spit is because I could NOT chew something to the consistancy of applesauce (which is what my doctor recommended) ...OR, I ate a piece of steak with a lot of gristle that i KNEW would get stuck in teh stoma...

Or, as the poster said, simply because something tasted DISGUSTING post op...(Example...Cooked salmon GAGS me now....Raw salmon, such as in Sushi is great! Same with coffee...it gags me. Pre-Op I was a coffee JUNKIE).

Now at a year out, the ONLY time I "spit" something is if I get gristle, fat or something that doesn't chew right.  I have NEVER eaten something and spit it because I wanted a "taste" or had food issues.

Some of us might have had food issues, not all of us do or did. To the OP...Yes, I spit (at the beginning) for the same reasons you did...In time, you will learn how "full" your pouch gets, what sits well with you, and sometimes you just have to spit if you get a piece of gristle or something you cannot CHEW to a pulpy consistency. Good luck.  Usually by around 6 months, the "spitting" phase is done... (Provided, you are not one of those that has mental "food issues")

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